Beach Party (Lovers no more): LinzFest 2005

Didi Nei­d­hart (AUT) /// 
Wash­er (AUT) /// 
TJGG (AUT) /// 
Mikrow­elle (GER) /// 
Win­ter­strand (AUT/GER) /// 
IGO:R (POL) /// 
Team Shade­tek (USA) /// 
Christi­na N. (AUT) ///

Sat, May 14 2005, 15:00 /// 
Alt-Urfahr, Stein­met­z­plat­zl, Otten­sheimer Straße ///

Linz has to become Hon­olu­lu! Ukulele, toast Hawaii, Jim­my Brown and Bri­an Wil­son, beach chairs, fold­ing-chairs and palm-lined beach. All these things one could enjoy at the “beach_party (lovers_no_more)” in plain May dur­ing the LinzFest 2005 and were arranged by qujOchÖ. But it’s not about Ibiza or Baller­mann in Mal­lor­ca, it’s is more about remind­ing Elvis (Blue Hawaii), Fred­die Quinn (Die Gitarre und das Meer) and the Beach Boys (Surfer Girl)! A kind of strange “Itsy Bit­sy Tee­nie Wee­nie Hon­olu­lu-Strand-Biki­ni” at the Alt-Urfahran­er Donaustrand.

Actu­al­ly, there was a beach in Linz some years ago, locat­ed near­by the Bruck­n­er­haus. But after putting up this build­ing the beloved idyll dis­ap­peared. After some years a new beach-eldo­ra­do was estab­lished more in the East of the Nibelun­gen bridge and it became “Lit­tle Italy” of Linz. qujOchÖ takes this lit­tle par­adise to give there a freaky beach-party.

Besides the pret­ty design of the beach-ter­rain with Hawaii-bar (Toast Hawaii! LomiLo­mi!! Hawai­ian Fruit Punch!!!), sun-lounges, adding pools with inflat­able palm trees and so on, one could enjoy dif­fer­ent trash- and C‑movies: “Psy­cho Beach Par­ty” (USA, 2000), “The Beach Girls and the Mon­ster aka The Mon­ster from the Surf” (USA, 1964), “Surf Nazis Must Die!” (USA, 1987), etc.

And no par­ty with­out music! There­fore, most­ly elec­tron­ic, musi­cians were invit­ed to play on the beach: local-hero-live-sets of DIDI NEIDHARDT (skug, Wipe­out), TJGG (quitch), CHRISTINA N. (Radio Orange, sval­ka) and WASHER (Keplar Rec.); and inter­na­tion­al acts like the Berlin-Graz-for­ma­tion WINTERSTRAND (, Park-Label) with their dance­able sound instal­la­tions, the Berlin-Dres­den elec­tro-surf-trash-group MIKROWELLE (Kamikaze Rec., Ex-Think-About-Muta­tion) with their obscure and ludi­crous stage show includ­ing pieces from Jon Spencer Blues Explo­sion, Ennio Mor­ri­cone till Dick Dale, the Pol­ish pol­nis­che sound-Inge­nieur I:GOR (Kielce Ter­ror Squad, Sub­ur­ban Trash, Low Res, Hangars Liq­uides, Mascha, M‑Tronic) and the New York TEAM SHADETEK (Shock­out, Sound-Ink) who was respon­si­ble for dif­fer­ent releas­es at the Sheffield Label Warp Records (Aphex Twin, Autechre, Square­push­er, LFO, Boards Of Canada, …)!
Let’s go to the beach …

PS. An own instal­la­tion makes a view pos­si­ble to the ordi­nary Linzfest at the Donaulände between Lentos and Brucknerhaus!!!



[nggallery id=81] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)