Ice desert: An absurd Winter’s tale at the ice rink Linz

Pan Son­ic (FIN) /// 
Cher­ry Sunkist (AUT) ///

Fri, Feb­ru­ary 18 2005, 20:00 /// 
Ice rink Linz ///

Bit­ing cold. Ice under the blades. End­less feed­back-loops. Sparkling crys­tals are buzzing around. Sounds are float­ing through the space and meet­ing ice-skat­ing bod­ies. Peo­ple are being run off the course. On Feb­ru­ary the 5th 2005 the art and cul­ture col­lec­tive qujOchÖ invites to a spe­cial exper­i­ment in the indoor ice-rink of Linz. In a decon­struc­tive ver­sion of a clas­si­cal win­ter-fairy­tale “Hol­i­day on Ice” is find­ing his true des­tiny. Togeth­er with the Finnish elec­tron­ic-noise-duo PAN SONIC qujOchÖ stages an ice-dis­co, which is a unique expe­di­tion in an absurd world. Using min­i­mal­ist beats and self-built syn­the­siz­ers, oscil­la­tors, gen­er­a­tors and trans­form­ers PAN SONIC cre­ates their sound­scapes from sub­sonar sine waves and high-fre­quen­cy noise and lead the idea of Elec­tron­ic Body Music to their orig­i­nal purpose.

Anoth­er high­light of this evening is Karin Fisslthaler with her solo project CHERRY SUNKIST. The play­ful use of syn­the­siz­ers, drum machines, gui­tar and voice CHERRY SUNKIST explores on enchant­i­ng nature of the inter­faces of pop and exper­i­ment. Cher­ry Sunkist is the Queen of the frozen desert.

[nggallery id=85] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Cam­era: Taife Akca, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Taife Akca, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)