Buddha Maschine

FM3 (CHN/USA) ///

Thu, May 23 2006, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

FM3 was found­ed in 1999 by Chris­ti­aan Virant and Zhang Jian, two active mem­bers of the Peking music scene. They are regard­ed as pio­neers of abstract elec­tron­ic exper­i­men­tal per­for­mance in Chi­na and are famous for leave a lot of room for live “exper­i­ments”. FM3 pro­duce mys­te­ri­ous, med­i­ta­tive and min­i­mal­is­tic sound scapes which are dosed with sin­gle ele­ments of tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese folk music in a sub­tle way to cre­ate a small uni­verse of micro sounds and syn­thet­ic glitch­es. FM3 was named “the most promi­nent exper­i­men­tal act in Chi­na” by the US mag­a­zine “Grooves”, XLR8R described the sound of FM3 as “poet­ic noise” and the British mag­a­zine “The Wire” wrote that the live sets of FM3 are “med­i­ta­tive”, “sooth­ing” and “engag­ing­ly intimate”.

In 2004 FM3 was com­mis­sioned by the Lou­vre muse­um in Paris to pro­duce a new sound track for the 1930 clas­sic movie “La Croisière jaune”. The project was fin­ished in June 2004 with three live per­for­mances at the audi­to­ri­um in the Lou­vre. Sound instal­la­tions by FM3 have been fea­tured at the Shang­hai Bien­nale 2004 as well as at the Dashanzi Inter­na­tion­al Art Fes­ti­val, the Kul­turhallen Dampfzen­trale in Bern or the trans­me­di­ale in Berlin this year. Releas­es from FM3 can be found on the Dutch label Staalplaat at the series “Mort Aux Vach­es”, on Mutek_Rec or on Sub­lime Fre­quen­cies. And FM3 pro­duces the so called “Bud­dha Machine”, a box in the size of an iPod which con­tin­u­ous­ly plays 10 Loops. Mean­while this med­i­ta­tive box has been exhib­it­ed in numer­ous Chi­nese con­tem­po­rary art muse­ums and con­quers the world.

On May 23rd 2006 the Chi­nese-amer­i­can duo comes to Linz to per­form at the quitch. They will bring their Bud­dha Machines with them which they will use in an own game, the so called Bud­dha Box­ing, togeth­er with the audience.
