Too Much Monster Party

Cher­ry Sunkist (AUT) /// 
Eryn­nia (AUT) /// 
Mimu (AUT) /// 
Bernd Oppl & Andre Tschin­der (AUT) /// 
DJ Ram­ses (AUT) /// 
Ra]va[gE (AUT) /// 
Wash­er (AUT) /// 
Zim­mer (GER) /// 
Andre Zogholy (AUT) ///

Fri, June 15 2007, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Too much, too fast, too true but too slow at the same time are the 15 tracks of the com­pi­la­tion CD “Too Much, Too Fast, Too True, Too Slow” from the Berlin label “true call” which they have released in coop­er­a­tion with the web gallery “Feedback&Disaster”. Musi­cians and artists have been invit­ed to pro­duce audio tracks on the top­ic of exag­ger­a­tion in the broad­est sense of mean­ing. The result­ing pieces have been con­tin­u­ous­ly released and offered for free down­load on between May and Decem­ber 2006.

The recent­ly released audio CD which – along­side “Feedback&Disaster” and “true call” – has also been sup­port­ed by the Salzburg artists group “gold extra” is the end prod­uct of the web compilation.

You can lis­ten to pieces of musi­cians and visu­al artists which are weird, loud or min­i­mal. Some­times the audi­ence finds itself inside an abstract audio col­lage until the com­pi­la­tion nev­er­the­less ends with a sim­ple gui­tar track.

At the mon­ster release par­ty at the quitch nine par­tic­i­pat­ing artists will per­form live and the sets take about con­cen­trat­ed 15 min­utes. At least it is all about enjoy­ing way too fast and too much “Too Much, Too Fast, Too True, Too Slow” at once.

[nggallery id=107] (Pho­tos: Petra Moser)

(Video: qujOchÖ)

(Video: qujOchÖ)