Après Schießhalle

DJ TUDD (AT) ///

Sa, 16. Dezem­ber 2023, 18:00 /// Wirts­haus zur Schieß­hal­le, Wal­degg­stra­ße 116, Linz /// 

Der Unter­gaum­berg ruft zu einer weih­nacht­li­chen Zusam­men­kunft der ande­ren Art. Der Kul­tur­ver­ein Schieß­hal­le, qujOchÖ, Art Dis­count 24 und Pota­to Publi­shing laden zu einer Après-Schieß-Par­ty der X‑Klasse. Gulasch­ka­no­nen tref­fen auf Germ­knö­del und Wodka­brun­nen, das Art­Cha­let lädt zum mon­dä­nen Abhän­gen ein, mit der Shi­schua-Bar wird ein neu­er Was­ser­pfei­fen-Hype in die Welt gesetzt, klei­ne Ski­lif­te füh­ren zu Bie­r­ath­lon und Schnap­sla­lom, in der Gar­ten­hüt­ten­gau­di wird Punsch gena­gelt, mit Eis­stö­cken im Gepäck wer­den Karao­ke­lie­der geträl­lert, die Speed-Her­ren mode­rie­ren durch den Abend und noch viel mehr. Kom­bi­niert mit einem blitz­saube­ren Musik­pro­gramm mit Nor­dra (US), Gunship Col­li­der (AT), Lern­pla­net (AT) und DJ Ana Power (AT).

Tickets: Vor­ver­kauf 8 Euro (via KUPFticket.com), Abend­kas­se 10 Euro
Free Spe­cial Drink für Après-Ski-Out­fits!NORDRA’s mas­ter­ful abi­li­ty to deco­n­struct musi­cal struc­tu­re in a lan­guage of indus­tri­al music and noi­se, along­side the alche­my of her live per­for­mance has led to her sharing the sta­ge with artists of a psy­cho­tro­pic natu­re like beak>, Dem­di­ke Sta­re, SUMAC, Antho­ny Braxt­on, Yves Tumor, and OXBOW. The most­ly devas­ta­ting and always trans­cen­den­tal works of musi­ci­an and sound artist Moni­ka Khot have wit­hin them an almost orches­tral dimen­si­on, with the appearan­ce of each ele­ment having its place and pur­po­se. The results give rise to an emo­tio­nal and adven­tur­ous qua­li­ty wie­l­ding her appa­rent dub, tech­no, and musi­que-con­crè­te influ­en­ces.Born in 1992 in Vir­gi­nia US to immi­grants of the Kar­nataka regi­on of India, Khot’s mêlé of sonic explo­ra­ti­on began with clas­si­cal gui­tar stu­dy, com­pu­ter music, and death metal. Deci­ding to relo­ca­te to Seat­tle WA US in 2014 she began avant-psych duo Zen Mother, which gave rise to harn­essing her song­wri­ting capa­bi­li­ties. In 2016, she began making music as Nor­dra, releasing all of her works to date on Aaron Tur­ner and Faith Coloccia’s label SIGE.Nor­dra has per­for­med her works at Donau­fes­ti­val, Skaņu Mežs (Sound Forest) Fes­ti­val, Time­zo­nes Fes­ti­val, Pioneer Works, and more.Khot has been recrui­ted to play live with other artists inclu­ding Daugh­ters, Zola Jesus, Maris­sa Nad­ler, and Cas­san­dra Jenkins.http://www.nordra.nethttps://nordra.bandcamp.comhttps://soundcloud.com/nordraGUNSHIP COLLIDER is the solo pro­ject of Domi­nik Moris­hi­ta-Leit­ner, form­er­ly known as a mem­ber of the band „Post­man“. It’s all about post-punk, wave, elek­tro, pop, made with open source soft­ware, break beats, key­boards, and lyrics based on neces­si­ty. https://dominikmorishitaleitner.tumblr.comhttps://www.instagram.com/postmoderntalkingMill­en­ni­als & Gen Z can only read in lists, so we’­re gon­na do „5 rea­sons why you will love LERNPLANET“:1. Best band­na­me ever2. Sounds a bit like old Beak>, Batt­les and this kind of weird shit3. FUN lyrics (the good fun­ny, not the crin­ge)4. You’­re gon­na be the first to see them (cool to men­ti­on it to others who see them after you)5. You can do cool things with their name, like Germ­pla­net, Her­ren­pla­net, Stern­pla­net or Fern­pla­net[Frac­tal­nights Vien­na]LERNPLANET is a band from Linz with drums, bass, syn­ths, two voices, stran­ge lyrics, kin­da (very) mes­me­ri­sing and live love life around Georg, Paul, Jeff, Bill and Elon.https://lernplanet.bandcamp.comhttps://soundcloud.com/flubber-3d‑2https://www.instagram.com/lernplanet666