q_musik 07

Juli­en Otta­vi (FR) ///

Sa, 14. Dezem­ber 2002, 10:00 Uhr /// 
Cine­ma­to­graph, Obe­re Donau­län­de 51, Linz ///

in Koope­ra­ti­on mit popfakes

Sin­ce 1997 Otta­vi has deve­lo­ped com­po­si­ti­ons of the human voice pro­ces­sed and trans­for­med on com­pu­ters. Ottavi’s rese­arch has been based on the sound poe­try of artists such as Hen­ri Cho­pin, Ber­nard Heid­seick, Kurt Schwit­ters, Jaap Blonk etc.

Otta­vi also cites as influ­en­ces the con­tem­pora­ry com­po­sers Karl­heinz Stock­hau­sen, John Cage, Mor­ton Feld­mann and Gia­c­in­to Scel­si, com­po­sers from the tra­di­ti­on of musi­que con­cre­te; Pierre Hen­ry, Michel Chion, Luc Fer­ra­ri and also musicians/composers of noi­se-music such as Merz­bow, Zbi­gniew Kar­kow­ski, Bern­hard Gün­ter and Fran­cis­co Lopez.

Ottavi’s rese­arch con­sists of two parts: the stu­dio pro­duc­tion of vocal pie­ces based on Michel Chion’s idea of the „art of fixed“ sound in which the voice is con­si­de­red as a musi­cal object that can be dema­te­ria­li­zed and thus remo­ved from its nor­mal role of com­mu­ni­ca­ting mea­ning. The second aspect of Ottavi’s rese­arch revol­ves around the live con­cert. With what Otta­vi calls the „voice com­pu­ter“ works with a more spon­ta­ne­ous and impro­vi­sed qua­li­ty are crea­ted by uti­li­zing real time processing.


(Fotos: qujOchÖ)