Your Self is more than Yourself

Dubais (USA) /// 
Gene­va Jacuzzi (USA) ///

Sat, June 4 2016, 18:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

GENEVA JACUZZI is a leg­endary LA-based song­writer, musi­cian and visu­al artist who is known for her unique style of synth dri­ven bed­room pop record­ings, the­atri­cal stage per­sonas and retro style video art. Her lyrics describe blood being thrown onto fire, clown-like machines in search of sad­ness and the rag­ing mono­logues of future and past ele­men­tal beings. Her videos and live per­for­mances por­tray the sto­ry of a once abun­dant Self being shat­tered into a vari­ety of oth­er per­sonas such as Drac­u­la, Mirne, Zygote, Rozbo etc. all being played by her­self, and all can­ni­bal­iz­ing and com­mod­i­fy­ing their rape revenge upon the idea of an orig­i­nal Self which is now lost some­where in the Islands of the Jacuzzi.

By 2010 GENEVA JACUZZI released her first album “Lamaze” at Vinyl Inter­na­tion­al, a col­lec­tion of songs tak­en from pre­vi­ous unof­fi­cial releas­es. In 2011 she was team­ing up with long time muse and play­wright, Casey Obelisk, and begin­ning her lat­est project titled “Dark Ages” which pulls togeth­er most of her past and present work into an epic art video odyssey. Her lat­est album “Technophe­lia” has just been released on Med­ical Records.

Jacuzzi is accom­pa­nied by DUBAIS which is the Lo-Fi-Dark-Dis­co-Project of Nadia Buyse. It was formed in a bath­room in Antwerp as homage to all past rep­re­sen­ta­tions, med­i­ta­tions, or pre­dic­tions of future utopias, states of being, and tech­nolo­gies. The Ara­bic-futur­is­tic mul­ti­me­dia artist beguiles the audi­ence with her glam­orous, extrav­a­gant and mys­te­ri­ous performances.

Jacuzzi, 34, is a key fig­ure in L.A.’s under­ground art and music scene. A weirdo to the core, she com­mands a cult fol­low­ing thanks to her ’80s-style goth-pop tunes and phan­tas­magoric live shows.” (self-titled music mag­a­zine 2016)

At a Gene­va Jacuzzi Show, You Might Get Smoth­ered by a Giant Ten­ta­cle” (LA Week­ly 2016)

Atten­tion! The show takes place in the late after­noon start­ing at 6 pm, so don’t be late! Before and after­wards we high­ly rec­om­mend to vis­it the fes­ti­val “Zukun­ftsmusik: Closed Loops and Open Futures” at Art Uni­ver­si­ty of Linz, Botan­i­cal Gar­den and KAPU!


(Camera/Editing: Daniel Fischer)

(Pho­tos: Engin Kaya)

Live-Set Dubais:


Live-Set Gene­va Jacuzzi:


Com­plete record­ings at