Schnittpunkt: Networking 06

Sat, Octo­ber 30 2004, 18:30 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

in coop­er­a­tion with schnittpunkt

schnittpunkt exhi­bi­tion the­o­ry & prac­tice orga­nized a trip to Linz on 29th to 31st of Octo­ber 2004.

It begins in Linz!” (“In Linz beginnt’s!”) This slo­gan invent­ed in the late 70’s slo­gan marks a change in the image of the Upper Aus­tri­an cap­i­tal. The city was pre­vi­ous­ly known for the steel indus­try locat­ed there, the “LD” (Linz / Don­awitz) process, the image changed into a cul­ture and tourism town by ini­ti­at­ing cul­ture fes­ti­vals such as Ars Elec­tron­i­ca. The open­ing of the Kun­st­mu­se­um Lentos 2003 is the most recent sig­nal. Like it was called in Graz 2003 “Graz can do any­thing” (“Graz darf alles”), Linz aims to become Euro­pean Cap­i­tal of Cul­ture togeth­er with the Lithuan­ian city of Vil­nius in 2009.

schnittpunkt plans to ana­lyze these changes togeth­er with respon­si­ble actors from the estab­lished off-scene sec­tion of the cul­tur­al life of the city, to ques­tion and dis­cuss strate­gies of images and visions of the future. What hap­pened in recent decades and why in the cul­tur­al sec­tor? What makes the city look like today? What is the focus of Linz for the future?

Fri, Octo­ber 29:
16:45 – ­18:00: Linz­ Gen­e­sis / NORDICO
18:30­ – 20:00: Lec­ture by Judith Lais­ter „Linz – a city chang­ing from indus­try to cul­ture city“ (“Linz – eine Stadt im Wandel­ von der Indus­trie- zur Kulturstadt”

Sat, Octo­ber 30:
9:30 – ­11:00: O.K. Cen­trum für Gegen­wart­skun­st 
11:30­ – 13:00: Landesmuseum
15:00 – ­16:30: LENTOS Kun­st­mu­se­um Linz
17:00­ – 18:30: Ars Elec­tron­i­ca Center
18:30­ – 20:00: Round table with TransPub­lic, qujOchÖ, Time’s Up “nodes, plateaus, lab­o­ra­to­ries: the off scene of Linz” (“Knoten­punk­te, Plateaus, Lab­o­ra­to­rien: Die Linz­er Off-Szene”)

(Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)