Man Manly [Church of Noise]

Rev­erend Man Man­ly from the Church of Noise (USA) /// 
DJ Wolf­gang Fuchs (AUT) ///

Thu, March 16 2006, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Rev­erend Man Man­ly and the Church of Noise. Spread­ing the word of the holi­ness of the noise of life. Cleans­ing the unholy unnoisy from the earth one evening, one per­son at a time. Home made instru­ments, per­for­mance, noise, voice and a hell of a lot of ener­gy in one short burst.” Man Man­ly, more pre­cise­ly Rev­erend Man Man­ly, sees him­self as a “preach­er”. The skin­ny rev­erend uses iBook, cables and knobs togeth­er with self-built instru­ments for his noise preach­ings, in addi­tion with scream­ing and ster­torous scraps of con­ver­sa­tion about envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­tion, war­mon­ger­ing or effects of addic­tion with­in a sweep­ing body performance.

