QLF Enterprises presents: Summerhit 2014 — Worldpremiere!

QLF (AUTa­Space) /// 
DJVJ Sum­mer­hit Pot­pour­rie Machine ///

Sat, May 17th 2014, 23:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

QLF is a cast­ed super­group from out­er space, which was estab­lished on the basis of a sci­en­tif­ic research on sum­mer hits. The abbre­vi­a­tion QLF means many things, among oth­ers it stands for “Q Lib­er­a­tion Front” and “Queens of Low Fre­quen­cy”. The mem­bers of the group are not known to the pub­lic, only the main pro­tag­o­nist — a robot with­out name — is in the spot­light. It is idolised by men and women alike, his dance steps are reck­less, break­neck, and sexy at the same time. Many myths sur­round QLF, both in the stu­dio and in live per­for­mances it is sup­posed to be pecu­liar. Noth­ing works with­out dozens of can­dy-col­ored deodor­ants, numer­ous umbrel­las and Lol­lipops. Appar­ent­ly all mem­bers are addicts of crys­talline methaqualone-des­o­mor­phine. The first break-through world­wide suc­cess of QLF is enti­tled “Our Life is Inter­stel­lar” and will be pub­lished in May 2014 gen­er­at­ing a gigan­tic media interest.
