q_# 01

Alex Wall­ner (AUT) /// 
Wolf­gang Fuchs (AUT) /// 
Joachim Schnait­ter (AUT) /// 
Ste­fan Haslinger (AUT) /// 
Ger­ald Ross­bach­er (AUT) ///

Sun, May 6 2001, 20:00 /// 
KAPU, Kapuzin­er­straße 36, Linz ///

q_#. Is for exper­i­ment. More pre­cise­ly for an exper­i­men­tal hap­pen­ing series on the edge of con­trol­lable. Peo­ple meet each oth­er one month before the exper­i­ment via an elec­tron­ic forum, devel­op vague con­tours of the hap­pen­ing, exchange them­selves. What real­ly hap­pens at q_#, which kind of new for­mats will emerge, what sort of momen­tum is gained in con­text of the hap­pen­ing series, is ran­dom. The sit­u­a­tion defines what hap­pens. The plan intends that q_# is mov­ing toward noise, feed­back, anal­o­gous elec­tron­ic, live visu­al mix­ing, sit­u­a­tive per­for­mances. But it does not to have as the plan does not real­ly exist. For sure q_# won’t end at a point where any­one thinks that it will end.

What is clear: q_# takes place every first Sun­day of the month at chang­ing places in and around Linz. In mer­ry month of May we will start with Wolf­gang Fuchs (mix­ing desk feed­backs), Alexan­der Wallinger (prepa­ra­tions of gui­tar and bass), Rossi (exper­i­ments with numer­ous hard dri­ves as sound gen­er­a­tors), Joachim Schnait­ter (mul­ti­me­di­a­work­er), Ste­fan Haslinger (noise fab­ri­ca­tions on Power­book) a. m. m.