PIXELPORNO 0.2 — another short journey through computer*sex*games & science & art: Lecture & Talk III & Exhibition Opening

Fri, March 27 2015, 18:00 /// 
Straf­sachen­ga­lerie, Brück­enkopfge­bäude Ost /// 
Haupt­platz 5–6, Linz ///

Open­ing hours:

Sat, March 28th — Fri, April 10th 2015, dai­ly from 16:00 to 20:00

Free admis­sion & at least 16 years old!

Lec­ture & Talk III:
Inti­mate games: Inten­tions, poten­tials and lim­i­ta­tions of playable pornography
Sabine Har­rer (Indie Bird Game Collective)

Robert F. Nid­ef­fer: Tomb Raider I + II Nude Patch­es *** Mollein­dus­tria: Orgasm Sim­u­la­tor & Queer Pow­er *** Heather Kel­ley: Lapis *** Kyle Machulis: SeXBox *** Gazi­ra Babeli: Come to Heav­en *** Pier­rick Thébault: Cyporn *** Copen­hagen Game Col­lec­tive: Dark Room Sex Game *** Stephane Shi­bat­su­ji-Per­rin: Porn Hero *** Georgie Rox­by Smith: The Fall Girl *** Pip­pin Barr: Hot Cof­fee *** Mer­ritt Kopas: Con­sen­su­al Tor­ture Sim­u­la­tor *** Eliz­a­beth Simins: Man­ic Pix­el Dream Girl *** Yan­nick Lam­belet: Uni­corn Pop Porn *** Lea Schön­felder: Ute *** Emmett But­ler & Nina Free­man: how do you Do It

8‑Bit-Sounds by The Horny Plumbers

Two women are stand­ing in a dark­ened room. Gen­tle Groan­ing is heard, inter­rupt­ed by gig­gling and clap­ping sounds. Two blue lights are woosh­ing around. The groan­ing is get­ting loud­er and loud­er, a cli­max is approaching.

We are inside the exhi­bi­tion PIXELPORNO 0.2. The two women have just com­plet­ed the first round of the “Dark Room Sex Game”. In this game, released in 2008 by the Copen­hagen Game Col­lec­tive, you have to move around two Nin­ten­do Wii remotes in the right rhythm. The bet­ter this is done the more har­mon­ic and intense the groan­ing will get. By com­plete­ly focussing onto the audi­tive lev­el the dom­i­nance of porno­graph­ic images that usu­al­ly can be seen in com­put­er games with sex­u­al depic­tion is bro­ken apart. Fur­ther­more the com­mon sen­si­tive action of the two play­ers on their way to the cli­max pro­duces a near­ly erot­ic atmosphere.

The “Dark Room Sex Game” is just one out of 16 works from the genre of game art that is shown with­in the exhi­bi­tion which is com­piled by the art col­lec­tive qujOchÖ from Linz. Already in Octo­ber 2013 a first exhi­bi­tion, enti­tled PIXELPORNO 0.1, was shown at the for­mer doll muse­um in Linz which focussed on a crit­i­cal depic­tion of com­mon sex games like Saman­tha Fox Strip Pok­er, Leisure Suit Lar­ry or Lula 3D.

PIXELPORNO 0.2 cov­ers artis­tic works which deal with the same top­ic, e. g. one of the ear­li­est teledil­don­ics works, “SeXBoX” by the US-amer­i­can artist Kyle Machulis (2006), or the adult flash game “Ute” from the young Ger­man game design­er and artist Lea Schön­felder (2014). The exhi­bi­tion will be opened with a lec­ture by Sabine Har­rer from the Indie Bird Game Col­lec­tive on the top­ic “Inti­mate games: Inten­tions, poten­tials and lim­i­ta­tions of playable pornography”.

(Pho­tos: Ulrich Fohler, Miguel Gonzalez-Gonzalez)