FMR 23

FMR 23 /// 
Fes­ti­val for art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces /// 

Tues­day, 6 June — Sun­day, 11 June 2023, South­ern Har­bour Area, Linz /// 
Open­ing: Tues­day, 6 June 2023, 6 pm /// 
Club­house of Klein­garten­vere­in Linz-Ost, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 40 /// 
fol­lowed by open­ing tours and open­ing night /// 

From 6 to 11 June 2023, LINZ FMR, the bien­ni­al fes­ti­val for art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces, will take place for the third time. After the first edi­tion in March 2019 along­side the Danube riv­er and the sec­ond edi­tion in June 2021 around the train sta­tion Müh­lkreis­bahn­hof, this time FMR 23 will trans­form the south­ern har­bour area into a freely acces­si­ble art space by numer­ous artists.


The open­ing will take place on Tues­day, 6 June 2023 at 6 pm at the club­house of Klein­garten­vere­in Linz-Ost – one of the festival’s venues along­side hel­lo yel­low Velo­drom & Pumptrack, Linz­er Stad­talm or Kli­maoase Linz-Lustenau.

FMR 23, South­ern Har­bour Area, Linz, Austria
Tues­day, 6 June – Sun­day, 11 June 2023

Tues­day, 6 June 2023, 6 pm
Klein­garten­vere­in Linz-Ost, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 40
fol­lowed by Open­ing Tours and Open­ing Night

Arrival and accommodation

Linz is locat­ed in the geo­graph­i­cal heart of Europe and is quick and easy to reach by water, land and air thanks to a good net­work of motor­ways and the Linz Air­port. Find out here how to get to Linz.

Sev­er­al hotels are locat­ed with­in walk­ing dis­tance from the fes­ti­val area, as well as the city cen­tre of Linz. Hotel offers can be found on the web­site of the city of Linz, where you can also inform your­self about the Linz card, that gives you free admis­sion to Linz muse­ums and the pub­lic trans­port. For any per­son­al inquiries, ques­tions or infor­ma­tion about Linz, the Tourist Infor­ma­tion Linz is hap­py to help.


FMR 23 brings to Linz a large exhi­bi­tion cen­tered around venues such as Klein­garten­vere­in Linz-Ost, hel­lo yel­low Velo­drom & Pumptrack, Kli­maoase Linz-Lus­te­nau, Linz­er Stad­talm and vacan­cy of for­mer Quelle/Woolworth/NORMA store in Indus­triezeile. On dis­play will be works by artists from the fields of media art, dig­i­tal art and Inter­net art:

✭ !Medi­en­gruppe Bit­nik (DE/CH/CR)
✭ Anne Fehres & Luke Con­roy (NL/AU)
✭ Clemens Stöt­tinger (AT)
✭ Clus­ter­duck (IT/FR/DE)
✭ Con­stant Dul­laart (NL)
✭ Den­nis de Bel & Anton Linus Jehle (NL/DE)
✭ Julian Oliv­er & Gor­dan Sav­ičić (NZ/AT/CH)
✭ Julian Sta­don (AU)
✭ Justin Tyler Tate (CA)
✭ Marie-Luce Nadal (FR)
✭ Marisa Olson (US)
✭ Mitra Azar (IT)
✭ rau­mar­bei­t­erin­nen (DE/AT)
✭ S.Myselle (AT)
✭ S()fia Bra­ga (IT)
✭ Stud­er / van den Berg (CH)
✭ Stu­dents from the Depart­ment of Media Design at Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts Linz (AT)
✭ Swae­ny Nina Ker­saan (NL)
✭ TinTin Patrone (DE)
✭ ViaO­ral (NL)

The pro­gram also includes lec­tures and artist talks on top­ics such as ephemer­al cir­cuits, wild com­put­ing, detox­ing dig­i­tal­i­ty and chro­mat­ic fer­men­ta­tion. Per­for­mances from the field of elec­tron­ic music will be offered in addi­tion to the Open­ing Night at a Con­cert Night on Fri­day, 9 June, with Ste­fano D’Alessio (IT), Crystn Hunt Akron feat. Tofa (Mod­u­lux) (AT), Float­ing Spec­trum feat. Abe Pazos (TW/DE/FI), SØS Gun­ver Ryberg (DK), Francesco Luz­zana & Sofia Caspri­ni (IT), Antenes (US), Sturmher­ta (AT), Mer­maid & Seafruit (PL/AT) & Anto­nia XM (AT). In addi­tion, there will be dai­ly per­for­mances by the par­tic­i­pat­ing artists on the fes­ti­val grounds as well as guid­ed tours with art edu­ca­tors and curators.


Respon­si­ble for the fes­ti­val is the asso­ci­a­tion „LINZ FMR – art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces“. It was found­ed by the two art and cul­tur­al ini­tia­tives qujOchÖ and, Ate­lier­haus Salzamt of the City of Linz, Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts Linz and Sturm und Drang Galerie. Their rep­re­sen­ta­tives have been involved in the con­cep­tion, orga­ni­za­tion and cura­tion of the fes­ti­val since its first edi­tion in March 2019.

FMR 23 is sup­port­ed by the City of Linz as UNESCO City of Media Arts, the State of Upper Aus­tria and the Fed­er­al Min­istry for Arts, Cul­ture, the Civ­il Ser­vice and Sport, as well as numer­ous orga­ni­za­tions and com­pa­nies, includ­ing our main spon­sors LINZ AG and Guten­berg-Wer­ber­ing, our co-spon­sors Plass­er & Theur­er, Dat­a­press, Chris­t­ian Schepe Fin­eart­print­ing, Schacher­may­er, ARCOTEL Nike Linz, Aus­tria Clas­sic Hotel Wolfin­ger, Das Land­hof, arte Hotel Linz, TIER, city bike Linz, MOTORMOBIL Auto­haus Dor­nach, Freistädter Bier, brot­süchtig, connect724, USP, Gebrüder Weiss, Schuller Eh’K­lar and our fur­ther part­ners & sup­port­ers Linz Touris­mus, Inno­va­tion­shaupt­platz Linz, younion Oberöster­re­ich, Klein­garten­vere­in Linz-Ost, Kli­maoase Linz-Lus­te­nau, hel­lo yel­low Velo­drom & Pumptrack by Schacher­may­er, Linz­er Stad­talm, Radio FRO, DORF TV and DIE REFERENTIN.

More info →


Pho­tos: Vio­let­ta Wakolbinger


Posters and magazine

Pho­tos: Vio­let­ta Wakolbinger


Festival office

Pho­tos: Vio­let­ta Wakol­binger & Jakob Dietrich



Pho­tos: Vio­let­ta Wakol­binger, Sara Piñeros Cortés, Mika Brand­hofer, Jakob Diet­rich & Thomas Philipp



Pho­tos: Thomas Philipp



Pho­tos: Vio­let­ta Wakol­binger, Sara Piñeros Cortés, Jakob Diet­rich & Thomas Philipp



Pho­tos: Vio­let­ta Wakol­binger, Alek­san­dra Czer­ni­ak & Sara Piñeros Cortés