FMR 21

FMR 21 /// 
Art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces /// 

Tues­day, June 1 — Sun­day, June 6, 2021, area around Müh­lkreis­bahn­hof, Linz /// 
Open­ing: Tues­day, June 1 2021, 7:15 p.m. /// 

The sec­ond edi­tion of FMR, the bien­ni­al fes­ti­val for art in dig­i­tal con­texts and pub­lic spaces, will take place from June 1 to 6, 2021. After the first edi­tion along Linz’s Donaulände, this time the area around Linz’s Müh­lkreis­bahn­hof will be trans­formed by numer­ous inter­na­tion­al and local artists into an open and freely acces­si­ble exhi­bi­tion space. There will also be a pro­gram last­ing sev­er­al days with a sym­po­sium, artist talks, guid­ed tours and concerts.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing artists of sec­ond edition:

FMR 21 is curat­ed, pro­grammed and orga­nized by qujOchÖ,, the Ate­lier­haus Salzamt, the Depart­ment of Media The­o­ries at Uni­ver­si­ty of Art and Design Linz and the STURM UND DRANG GALERIE.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion and updates on the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion at

Pho­tos: Jür­gen Grün­wald & Vio­let­ta Wakolbinger


Audio: FMR Prime Time, around the fes­ti­val area and on Radio FRO 105.0 MHz
with pnk_t (AT), Gis­cht (AT), Astrid Gno­sis (GB) & Nkisi (BE)



Main sponsors

Co sponsors

Partners & Supporters

Spe­cial thanks also go to DIE REFERENTIN, Radio FRO, Hannes LeopoldsederLinz Touris­mus, CROSSING EUROPE, Inno­va­tion­shaupt­platz LinzANWALTGMBH Rin­ner Teucht­mann, Juwe­li­er Pich­lerKroh & Part­ner Zivil­tech­niker GmbH, RUNNER STORETep­pich­dok­tor and Wein­turm.