Wel­come to EPIC ESCXPE, a series of episodes that artis­ti­cal­ly car­i­ca­ture the infi­nite con­fu­sion of the big ques­tions of our 2020s reality.

Sequen­tial events and teasers present vehi­cles of mul­ti­di­men­sion­al crises in assem­blage-like settings.

The indi­vid­ual episodes are brought togeth­er in this Zine as the sea­son finale, a pho­to­graph­i­cal­ly doc­u­ment­ed process form­ing a con­cep­tu­al par­cours of puzzles.

The episodes orig­i­nal­ly and spo­rad­i­cal­ly “aired” as real life events or in vir­tu­al ways, com­bin­ing exhi­bi­tion, inter­ven­tion and pho­to shoot­ing, at the same time accom­pa­ny­ing the col­lec­tive along the process of chang­ing their loca­tion of work. This way the series went along three sea­sons, from 2020 to 2022.

Escape-room-meets-all-crises-in-this-world, won­der­ing if the tele­phone jok­er will pro­vide the deci­sive clue…?
And what is a MacGuffin…?


S 01 E 01 — The Ulti­mate Meltdown
S 01 E 02 — del­i­cate and crispy
S 02 E 01 — Watch­ing The Fortune
S 02 E 02 — The Illu­sion Of End­ing Things
S 03 E 01 — Unkraut verge­ht nicht
S 03 E 02 — The Ulti­mate Melt­down Part II