The grinning penguin: overall presentation of issues 1, 2 and 3

🐧 Lec­ture by Prof. Dr. Michael John (Insti­tute for Social and Eco­nom­ic His­to­ry, JKU Linz) /// 
🐧 Read­ings by Do Ming-Ha, Hofrat Dr. Friedrich von und zu Eichen­wald & Söhne B.A. (FH), Alessan­dro Per­fet­to, kurz-ego-klein, H. ULCUS, Nan­cy Man-Häten and Josef Moralez-Kolk ///
🐧 DJ-Set „pin­gui­ni per sem­pre“ by Costan­za B. /// 
🐧 Salmon, rolls, caviar, cham­pagne, pen­guin air mat­tress, bathing fun /// 

Thu, April 2 2020, 19:18 (on time!) /// 
Untere Donaulände, Linz ///
Can­celed due to the COVID 19 pandemic!

Lachen links, L‘Asino, El Borinot, Il Bec­co Gial­lo, Simplicissimus.

Titles like these helped shape the artis­tic resis­tance against fas­cism in the 1920s and 1930s. In numer­ous satir­i­cal mag­a­zines, illus­tra­tors, poets and writ­ers fought with their means against the polit­i­cal insan­i­ty that drew broad sec­tions of the pop­u­la­tion to its side in the inter­war peri­od from Novem­ber 1918 to Sep­tem­ber 1939. In Europe, this insan­i­ty man­i­fest­ed itself par­tic­u­lar­ly in Aus­tro­fas­cism under Doll­fuß and Schuschnigg, in Ital­ian fas­cism under Mus­soli­ni, in Span­ish fas­cism under Pri­mo de Rivera and Fran­co, and in Nation­al Social­ism under Hitler.

qujOchÖ has tak­en this as a start­ing point for an exam­i­na­tion of this spe­cif­ic form of resis­tance and a trans­for­ma­tion into the present time. Togeth­er with artist friends, we fol­lowed the traces of Olaf Gul­brans­son, Rag­n­vald Blix, Franziska Bilek & Co., but also of illus­tra­tors, poets and writ­ers, many of whom have fall­en into oblivion.

Some of the satir­i­cal jour­nals that appeared in the inter­war peri­od have been dig­i­tized and made freely acces­si­ble in recent years, for exam­ple with the Hei­del­berg His­tor­i­cal Col­lec­tions at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hei­del­berg or the online edi­tion of the Klas­sik Stiftung Weimar, the Deutsches Lit­er­at­u­rar­chiv Mar­bach and the RWTH Aachen. In addi­tion, exhi­bi­tion cat­a­logues and sci­en­tif­ic texts ded­i­cat­ed to the satire of these years were pub­lished. qujOchÖ has worked through this mate­r­i­al and used it as a basis for the pro­duc­tion of its own satir­i­cal mag­a­zine enti­tled “The grin­ning pen­guin”. Sub­ti­tle: “Satire for the 20s”. A total of three issues of the mag­a­zine have been pub­lished with a cir­cu­la­tion of 7,500 copies, print­ed in full Berlin for­mat with 8 pages in col­or. They have been dis­trib­uted in Vien­na, Graz, Linz, Salzburg and Inns­bruck, among oth­er places, and are now pre­sent­ed to the inter­est­ed pub­lic in an unique over­all view, includ­ing lec­tures, read­ings, music and a buf­fet appro­pri­ate to the time.

When the pen­guins fight evil with the sar­dines, join the unit­ed front!

Face­book event: