Bar of lost hopes

Sat, Novem­ber 2 2019, 6 p.m. /// 
for­mer “Wirtshaus zur Schießhalle” ///
Waldeg­gstraße 116, Linz 

Clos­ing time it is and
it’s get­ting dark in the tavern.
Emp­ty arm­chairs stand around,
at some point every bar has to close:
Ahh, I am glad, got a bit of rest.

qujOchÖ invites to shared hope­less­ness. Let us stick with emp­ty soul and the hunger hole of slight unsat­is­fac­tori­ness at lone­ly tables of past pub days. Come by and join us for a glass of the stale taste of a des­o­late coke light from lost mem­o­ries and dreams. Wash down your last hope togeth­er in an intox­i­ca­tion or alone at the toi­lette of the tavern.

An All Souls’ Eve with …


Free entry! Smok­ing inside only as a performance!


Pho­tos: Patri­cia Cadavid