Be Heroines

We Will Fail (POL) ///  Zavolo­ka (UKR) ///  Fri, Octo­ber 9 2015, 20:30 ///  quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz /// Note: Due to recent­ly increased complaints …

Friendship Book

Sat, Sep­tem­ber 5 2015, 12:00 — 19:00 ///  Inter­net Yami-Ichi, Ars Elec­tron­i­ca Fes­ti­val, PostC­i­ty, Linz /// The Japan­ese art col­lec­tive and self-pro­­claimed secret soci­ety IDPW …

Glossy Punk

Cher­ry Sunkist (AUT) ///  Yas­min Gate (ARG/GER) ///  Fri, July 24 2015, 20:30 (sharp!) ///  quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz /// Note: Due to recent­ly increased complaints …

Vinyl Terror & Horror

Vinyl Ter­ror & Hor­ror (DK) ///  Gial­­lo-Hor­ror-Dis­­­co DJ-Line (AT) ///  Sat, May 16 2015, 22:30 ///  quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz /// Vinyl Ter­ror & Hor­ror is …

Radikal Destruktion

Bil­ly Roisz (AUT) ///  Mar­ta Zap­paroli (ITA) /// Wed, Feb­ru­ary 25 2015, 21:00 ///  quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz /// Mar­ta Zap­paroli is an Ital­ian exper­i­men­tal sound …