Yorkshire Minimalism

Jez Riley (UK) /// 
And­re Zogho­ly (AT) /// 
TJ (AT) /// 
Was­her (AT) ///

Do, 17. Mai 2007, 21:00 Uhr ///
quitch, Unte­re Donau­län­de 10, Linz ///

My crea­ti­ve out­put revol­ves around the intui­ti­ve aspects of music and sound. I pre­fer to allow my emo­ti­ons to inform my work and whilst the con­cept of per­so­nal and cul­tu­ral theo­ry is inde­ed a part of my crea­ti­ve out­look, for me tho­se things are inde­ed per­so­nal and not some­thing I insist the audi­ence is awa­re of.“ (Jez Riley)


(Fotos: qujOchÖ)