Monsters in da House

Mons­ter Zoku Onsomb (AU) /// 
Nam-Shub of Enki (AU) /// 
Fuck the 80ies (AT) ///

Do, 20. August 2009, 21:30 Uhr /// 
quitch, Unte­re Donau­län­de 10, Linz ///

From the cul­tu­ral swamps of Australia’s most gle­a­ming cita­del crawl Mons­ter Zoku Onsomb!. An ensem­ble who have for­ged their own sound from the shat­te­red pie­ces of kitsch retro­de­li­ca and con­tem­pora­ry bass cul­tu­re. Their vinyl relea­ses are sold out collec­ta­bles and are being drop­ped on the most pro­gres­si­ve elec­tro­nic dance floo­rs around the world. Live, they are a fies­ta, and instant­ly inject any venue and any crowd with their une­qual­led energy.

In 2004 MZO! For­med from sepa­ra­te enti­ties who were all moti­va­ted per­for­mers in their own right. They were all well known to Bris­bane elec­tro­nic par­ty goe­rs as being the city’s lea­ding elec­tro­nic prac­ti­tio­ners, and tog­e­ther they have pro­ven to be unstopp­a­ble! MZO! for­mu­la­ted a spe­cial style of live per­for­mance that com­bi­ned pro­gra­m­ed sounds, dan­cing, syn­chro­nis­ed visu­als and live instru­ments that made their shows an instant suc­cess. Lashing the audi­ence with sprays of sparks, noi­se and bass.

Late in 2004 the 5 per­son ensem­ble com­bi­ned their powers to pro­du­ce their first E.P – the self tit­led „Mons­ter Zoku Onsomb!„. The E.P. was almost all com­po­sed from .50 cent bar­gain bin record sam­ples and it laid out a uni­que sound that com­bi­ned kitsch psycho­bil­ly rhyth­ms with rave and grime sen­si­bi­li­ties. It was a sell out suc­cess in Aus­tra­lia, and it even found its way to the UK whe­re Death$ucker Records dis­co­ve­r­ed it and pres­sed the first MZO! 12“ E.P. This debut vinyl sold out of two pres­sings and was play­ed by DJs the world over, inclu­ding Mary Anne Hobbs who pro­c­lai­med it her „record of the week“ on the BBC’s Bree­ze­block radio show. Fol­lowing on from the suc­cess of the E.P., MZO! made their first tour of Euro­pe, and from the UK to Rus­sia, MZO! built a for­mi­da­ble repu­ta­ti­on as being par­ty star­ters and a live power­house of cra­zy per­for­mance and music.

From tho­se acci­den­tal begin­nings MZO! went on to pro­du­ce their debut album – „Attack“. Attack went onto soli­di­fy their repu­ta­ti­on for idio­syn­cra­tic sounds and manic cut up sam­ple and vocal styles. For the first time MZO! inte­gra­ted Miss P Leisure’s vocals into the mix and began indoc­tri­na­ting their fans with their anthems “Eat Brains” and „Day They Came Back“. They embar­ked on ano­t­her tour of Euro­pe, to pro­mo­te the album and a second 12„E.P. on Death$ucker Records, and play­ed at noto­rious par­ties such as Bang­face in Lon­don, and the Ele­va­te Fes­ti­val in Aus­tria. They retur­ned to Bris­bane inspi­red, and star­ted their own club event „Mons­ter Mash“.

In 2009 MZO! pre­pa­re to release the vinyl ver­si­on of the Earth Eaters album on Death$ucker Records, an Earth Eaters remix album (fea­turing remi­xes from Cur­sor Miner, Xanap­ti­con, Otto Von Schi­rach and more!) and ano­t­her Euro­pean Tour. On August, 20th, MZO! will hit Linz to per­form in the backy­ard of the quitch. They will be accom­pa­nied by nAM sHUB oF eNKI, the voo­doo ado­ring solo pro­ject from Phil­lip Thom­son of MZO!. And last but not least the­re will be a break­core-schnul­zen­pop-per­for­mance by the fabu­lous Fuck the 80ies, brin­ging back all tho­se stu­pid songs from the 80ies and cracking them apart.





(Fotos: Petra Moser)