Kim Cascone

Kim Cas­co­ne (US) ///

Mi, 19. Okto­ber 2005, 20:00 Uhr /// 
quitch, Unte­re Donau­län­de 10, Linz ///

in Koope­ra­ti­on mit Kunst­uni­ver­si­tät Linz – Inter­face Cultures

Born in Albi­on, Michi­gan 1955, Kim Cas­co­ne stu­di­ed at the Ber­klee Col­le­ge of Music in the ear­ly 1970s, con­ti­nuing his elec­tro­nics stu­dies in 1976 with Dana McCur­dy at the New York City’s New School. In 1980 he moved to San Fran­cis­co whe­re he worked with film direc­tor David Lynch as Assi­stant Music Edi­tor on both Twin Peaks and Wild at Heart shows. In 1986 Cas­co­ne foun­ded Silent Records, whe­re he released some of his per­so­nal pro­jects inclu­ding Hea­ven­ly Music Cor­po­ra­ti­on, PGR, Thes­sa­lo­ni­ans, and Spi­ced Barons. Cas­co­ne sold the com­pa­ny 10 years later to start a care­er as a sound desi­gner, working for Tho­mas Dolby’s com­pa­ny Head­space as a sound desi­gner and com­po­ser. He later began working for Stac­ca­to Sys­tems as the Direc­tor of Con­tent whe­re he worked in the design of new sounds for games using algo­rith­mic syn­the­sis. Cas­co­ne is one of the main repre­sen­ta­ti­ve digi­tal artists of the Glitch aes­the­tic and the use of soft­ware like Max/MSP.

(Fotos: qujOchÖ)