On the illustration of the Austrian victim myth after 1945

Mar­tin Wasser­mair (AUT) ///
Screen­ing and dis­cus­sion about “1. April 2000” (AUT 1952, direct­ed by Wolf­gang Liebeneiner) ///

Thu, June 9 2005, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

in coop­er­a­tion with “kino­ki — Vere­in für audio­vi­suelle Selbstbestimmung”

Pro­duced on behalf of the Aus­tri­an fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, designed in the guise of a comedic fea­ture film pam­phlet against the occu­py­ing pow­ers. Three years before the sign­ing of the State Treaty this first and last ’state film’ han­dles the his­tor­i­cal facts with con­sid­er­able license – and the match ‘Aus­tria ver­sus the rest of the world’ ends in the appro­pri­ate man­ner.” (Diag­o­nale 2000)

(Pho­to: Mar­tin Wassermair)