q_musik 01

Do Make Say Think (CAN) ///

Sat, Octo­ber 21 2000, 20:00 /// 
KAPU, Kapuzin­er­strasse 36, Linz ///

It is not often that a small label like Con­stel­la­tion Records releas­es sev­er­al high qual­i­ty albums a year. Not sat­is­fied with releas­ing the albums “f#a#oo” and “Slow Riot For New Zero Cana­da” from “God­speed You Black Emper­or!” they brought us one more mas­ter piece with “good­bye ene­my air­ship the land­lord is dead” from the six-per­son-col­lec­tive “Do Make Say Think” from Toronto.

Do Make Say Think are now a fine­ly-cal­i­brat­ed musi­cal Sput­nik trac­ing star­dust orbits around the good green Earth.”


(Pho­to: qujOchÖ)