Transition Exclusive

Sreen­ing of “Tran­si­tion Exclu­sive” (qujOchÖ 2009) /// 
Reichl & Part­ner (AUT) /// 
Revolver Dog (AUT) /// 
/LLLLL (AUT) ///

Thu, Feb­ru­ar 25 2010, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

TRANSITION EXCLUSIVE ana­lyzed exclu­sion mech­a­nisms using the exam­ple of Linz Cen­tral Sta­tion, which received many awards for being the most beau­ti­ful train sta­tion in Aus­tria. qujOchÖ inter­vened in the dai­ly life at the train sta­tion, and hyper reg­u­lat­ed this space. Based on three premis­es “A train sta­tion is only as beau­ti­ful as the peo­ple!”, “Only a clean train sta­tion is a beau­ti­ful sta­tion” and “With effi­cien­cy and high speed towards a new area in the Euro­pean long-dis­tance trav­el!”, qujOchÖ imposed arbi­trary rules on cer­tain days.

The three inter­ven­tions were action-ori­ent­ed: qujOchÖians using orig­i­nal uni­forms of the Aus­tri­an Fed­er­al Rail­ways ÖBB were stand­ing at dif­fer­ent points, explained the new cam­paign to guests and dis­trib­uted fly­ers. The aim was to inspire peo­ple to reflect exces­sive reg­u­la­tions they usu­al­ly take for grant­ed. In this way, the exclud­ing char­ac­ter of exist­ing rules was overstated.

The project was based on the debate on pub­lic and semi-pub­lic spaces in the pre­vi­ous years. In the past, the ÖBB has also intro­duced a strict code of behav­iour on train sta­tions reg­u­lat­ed by spe­cif­ic, part­ly repres­sive, exclu­sion mea­sures, espe­cial­ly when it comes to obser­va­tion, police pres­ence, clean­li­ness of toi­lets and home­less peo­ple. Train sta­tions guests who did not respect rules, for instance, because they were not “beau­ti­ful” enough or walked too “slow”, were kept from using this pub­lic space.

[nggallery id=39] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)

(Cam­era: Lukas Kro­n­stein­er, Edit­ing: Ingo Randolf)