Stuttgart intim: Four weddings and a funeral

Sam­ples: Tue, July 12 2011, 8:30 and 11:30 /// 
Tours: Mon, March 26 2012, 8:30 and 11:30 /// 
Stuttgart-Mitte ///

City tours for tourists usu­al­ly con­cen­trate on places and nar­ra­tives of per­ceived his­tor­i­cal sig­nif­i­cance and impor­tance. So what hap­pens if we divert our gaze towards the sto­ries and events that write the every-day life of Stuttgart? Do we learn more about a for­eign city when we con­cen­trate on the appar­ent­ly mun­dane amongst the spectacular?

With STUTTGART INTIM qujOchÖ invites vis­i­tors of Stuttgart to a tour of pri­vate and pub­lic events. Each tour is unique, a mix of the unex­pect­ed and the care­ful­ly planned, a route that criss-cross­es the inner city, fol­low­ing the events of the day and the moment. You might lis­ten in on a pri­vate con­cert by a stu­dent prac­tic­ing for her_his exam, stum­ble across a child’s birth­day par­ty with Ronald McDon­ald, stroll into a pub­lic con­sul­ta­tion in the town hall, expe­ri­ence the birth of a baby, sit in on a civ­il court case, join a wed­ding cel­e­bra­tion, watch as an ambu­lance deliv­ers a new patient, or take a tick­et at the Armen­ian Consulate.

qujOchÖ has designed two tours‚ “From the cra­dle to the grave” and the “Bureau­crat­ic gauntlet”.

[nggallery id=51] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)