The odd island

A dro­mo­log­i­cal bal­let for five tun­ing cars

Tue, July 12 2011, 20:15 /// 
Round about Mulden­straße, Linz ///

In the con­text of DÉJÀ-VU, the fol­low up project of BELLEVUE (Linz09), qujOchÖ presents a per­for­mance of excep­tion­al kind. Due to the local and acoustic con­di­tions of the traf­fic island in the mid­dle of the round­about an ide­al sur­round set­ting is offered for the audi­ence. Five mas­sive sound-sys­tems in pimped cars as well as the sur­round­ing sound spender are used. This leads to a com­plete compression/decompression of space, time, noise and also results in silence. The con­stant move­ment of the sound sources add to the spe­cial con­cert sit­u­a­tion atmosphere.

[nggallery id=50] (Pho­tos: eSel & qujOchÖ)