Ethereally Freckled Crispy Sphere(s)

Sur­ma (POR) ///

Shin­sekai (AUT/VNM) ///

Sat, Sep 29 2018, 20:30 ///
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

SURMA is a solo-mul­ti-instru­men­tal­ist, tak­ing you to a mind-open­ing jour­ney through looped son­ic envi­ron­ments. A unique mix of a child-like voice, ambi­ent music and post-rock to jazz-influ­ences like shim­mer­ing gui­tar lines cre­ates ver­sa­tile 10-track sound­scapes and synth and sam­ple lul­la­bies. Com­ing from a „wild, young and free“ town in Por­tu­gal and after study­ing in jazz school Sur­ma explores con­cepts of a cos­mic psy­che and glob­al pri­mor­dial con­scious­ness. She is tour­ing south-cen­tral Europe and fur­ther pre­sent­ing her debut album „Antwer­pen“ (Omni­chord Records).
SHINSEKAI (新世界, “New World”) is a tran­shu­man project that inves­ti­gates rad­i­cal pos­si­bil­i­ties in music by manip­u­lat­ing dig­i­tal tracks. By play­ing and mix­ing con­trast­ing gen­res on the dark side of elec­tron­ic dance music, they break the con­straints of genre, taste and social dif­fer­ence. Alien tim­bres, dis­tort­ed vocals and bro­ken club ori­ent­ed rhythms define a kalei­do­scop­ic glimpse of musi­cal futures. Linz-based with Viet­namese roots.