Triviale LINZ 1.11

Open­ing tour with Domini­ka Meindl (AUT) /// 

Wed, Novem­ber 9 2011, 19:00 /// 
bb15 | Baum­bach­straße 15 | 18:30 to 19:00 /// 
qujOchÖ | Untere Donaulände 10 | 19:15 to 20:00 /// 
nomadene­tappe | Untere Donaulände 12 | 19:15 to 20:00 /// 
IFEK | Obere Donaulände 11 | 20:15 ///

Dura­tion of the exhi­bi­tion: 9. – 15. Novem­ber 2011

Due to the over­whelm­ing suc­cess of the Triv­iale 1.0 as an exhi­bi­tion for­mat, which has been new estab­lished in Aus­tria, the cross-insti­tu­tion­al nexus of bb15, IFEK – Insti­tute for Expand­ed Art, nomadene­tappe and qujOchÖ brings with the Triv­iale 3.5 a fur­ther rep­re­sen­ta­tive sec­tion of the mod­ern art scene and there­by strength­ens the posi­tion of Linz as the cen­tre of Aus­tri­an con­tem­po­rary art.

It’s all about big and flashy. The gen­tri­fi­ca­tion engine and tourism fac­tor Triv­iale regards itself as a con­scious antipode, as a direct rival to major events like the doc­u­men­ta and the Venice Bien­nale, which – to be hon­est – are becom­ing increas­ing­ly sim­i­lar illu­sion­ary giants. The clos­er you get, the more the expec­ta­tion shrinks. But not the Triv­iale, which does not play on the fore­front of the debate but treats and dic­tates it.

Come, watch and be amazed!

bb15: “”
Two num­bers, one rela­tion, a score? The direc­tion of move­ment from pass­ing objects is rec­og­nized, divid­ed into two cat­e­gories and dis­played numer­i­cal­ly. A bureau­crat­ic inter­ven­tion – left ver­sus right!

qujOchÖ: “point of no return”
Beau and body image ideals make a run. It’s all about (obses­sion of) body image, fash­ion and con­sump­tion. To illus­trate this end­less cir­cle shop­win­dow req­ui­sites will be exposed in their absur­di­ty by an improp­er accel­er­a­tion and frozen in their crispy strange­ness by slow­ing down to a stand­still. The shop­win­dow is used as one out of many stage ele­ments for a con­stant­ly new and rest­less­ly gen­er­at­ed decal. For­mal recep­tion mod­els and seem­ing­ly famil­iar body pro­ceed­ings slow down each oth­er in their own con­tex­tu­al round­about – shape your body till the end. (Ger­ald Moser, Clemens Bauder)

nomadene­tappe: “Dis­co, a Toast Killer?”
In the search for the answer the next ques­tion is already ready as unavoid­able stum­bling block: to be toast, or not to be …? “Der Raum Dis­co mit all seinem Reper­toire an Sub­jek­tiv­itäten kann als per­fek­tes Stu­dienob­jekt für ein Design gese­hen wer­den, das im Kon­sum den einzi­gen Welt­bezug von Sub­jek­ten sieht.” (Matthias Dusi­ni, Dif­ferenz­mode Disko, springerin 4/97)

IFEK: “Kun­st­samm­lung” (art collection)
The “Grand Hotel zum Rothen Kreb­sen” presents works from its art col­lec­tion which con­sists of arti­cles from the visu­al and applied arts from pub­lic and pri­vate foun­da­tions along to oth­er means of artis­tic expression.

[nggallery id=122] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

More pho­tos at