Speak Dating: Closing event

Tue, Octo­ber 8 2013, 18:00 /// 
Stifter­Haus, Adal­bert-Stifter-Platz 1, Linz ///

Open­ing words: Vice may­or Klaus Luger (Coun­cil­lor of Social Affairs, Fam­i­ly and Inte­gra­tion of the City of Linz) and Belmir Zec (Inte­gra­tion office of the City of Linz)
Lec­ture: Judith Purkarthofer 
(Insti­tute for Lin­guis­tic Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vienna)
Read­ing: Thomas Baum feat. Speak-Date authors
Music/DJ-ing: G.S.H.
(ganz schön hässlich) = Huck­ey (Tex­ta), MC Aver­age and DJ Url (both: Die Au and Tues­day Classics)

Linz is diverse. Far more than 100 lan­guages are spo­ken here. The inter­cul­tur­al project SPEAK DATING, ini­ti­at­ed by migrare and qujOchÖ, makes this mul­ti­lin­gual­ism vis­i­ble. Numer­ous cit­i­zens of Linz start­ed a jour­ney to unter­stand a mul­ti­lin­gual text with the help of lit­er­ary ren­dezvous. A sto­ry by Thomas Baum with an open end invit­ed peo­ple to con­quer the hearts of a jury with an own version.

Now the project finds it end. The texts are trans­lat­ed and numer­ous ends have been writ­ten. There­fore we would like to open the speak trea­sure chest togeth­er and invite every­one to the clos­ing event of SPEAK DATING.

Beside a keynote speech on “mul­ti­lin­gual­ism and expe­ri­ence of lan­guage” by Judith Purkarthofer from the Insti­tute for Lin­guis­tic Sci­ence at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na Thomas Baum awaits you togeth­er with the authors of SPEAK DATING who will present their ver­sions of ends of the text in their first lan­guage. Fur­ther­more a spe­cial­ly pro­duced song of mul­ti­lin­gual­ism will be pre­sent­ed by hip hop artists out of the Tex­ta- and Tuesday-Classics-cosmos.

Please reg­is­ter at lisa.filzmoser@migration.at.

With sup­port by Land Oberöster­re­ich Kul­tur, Migra­tions­beirat der Stadt Linz, Öster­re­ichis­che Gesellschaft für poli­tis­che Bil­dung, WIFI, BFI, ALEX – Eine Buch­hand­lung and Impe­r­i­al Reisen.

[nggallery id=21] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)

Dakkasch (song of mulitlin­gual­ism) by G.S.H. [A] [audio:http://archive.org/download/SpeakDating131008/Speak_Dating_Dakkasch.mp3]
