Imperium qujOchÖum: Bureaucratic overkill

After the found­ing process­es, the Imperi­um qujOchÖum was com­plete­ly set up and on track. Fur­ther­more, for each of the 115 found­ed asso­ci­a­tions con­tact was made with respon­si­ble authorities.

In Aus­tria just two, “Nei­gungs­gruppe oink und Quiek” in Blu­denz and “ver­band des Öster­re­ichis­chen Quok­ka” in Efer­d­ing, of the alto­geth­er 24 asso­ci­a­tions had trou­bles with the respon­si­ble dis­trict authorities.

Via per­son­al­ized cir­cu­lar let­ters con­tact was made to the author­i­ties for the rest of the asso­ci­a­tions in oth­er coun­tries. There was a response from 34 of them. Next to infor­ma­tive mate­r­i­al, the Empire also received almost effu­sive joy state­ments. Fair­ly and square­ly the author­i­ties of Liecht­en­stein react­ed harsh­ly which might be owed to the easy con­tact between the dif­fer­ent depart­ments of Liechtenstein.

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