Be Heroines

We Will Fail (POL) /// 
Zavolo­ka (UKR) /// 

Fri, Octo­ber 9 2015, 20:30 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Note: Due to recent­ly increased com­plaints from neigh­bors the con­cert starts at around 20:30. Free entry.

WE WILL FAIL is a project focused on the plea­sure of wan­der­ing. Field record­ings, tape sam­ples, syn­the­siz­ers and elec­tron­ic drum kits are mixed togeth­er to find some pecu­liar qual­i­ty, refer­ring to tech­no aes­thet­ics. The per­son respon­si­ble for this project is Alek­san­dra Grün­holz – a graph­ic design­er, who para­dox­i­cal­ly spends most of her time on mak­ing music. Autechre turned into a nihilis­tic, dark-natured crea­ture. Hard mechan­i­cal tech­no mix­es with cav­ernous IDM to cre­ate a tru­ly dark rite of passage.

ZAVOLOKA is the stage name of Katery­na Zavolo­ka – Ukrain­ian sound artist, exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ic music com­pos­er, per­former and graph­ic design­er from Kyiv, Ukraine. Her music con­sists of inten­sive var­ied sound motions and unex­pect­ed com­bi­na­tions piped into care­ful­ly con­trolled elec­tron­ic flows. Some­times the music calms down for a moment, only to explode with a vengeance.


[nggallery id=166] (Pho­tos: Raphalea Danner)