We keep quiet for the chancellor
September 2006 ///
The foundation of an independent personnel committee “We for Schüssel” (www.erfolgreich.at) was announced on July 26 2005. Just two weeks before the election the proponents came up with a new goodie, the foundation of a second personnel committee called MIR SCHWEIGEN FÜR KANZLER (We keep quiet for the chancellor), which was a parody playing with the worst word of the year “hush chancellor”.
Already one day after activating this dependent personnel committee www.schweigekomitee.at, qujOchÖ received a letter from the lawyer’s office “Gürtler Gürtler Reisner”. In this qujOchÖ was threatened, if “that webpage won’t be disconnected from the network until Tuesday, September 19 2006, 6:00 p. m., I’m otherwise instructed to take further legal actions.” In particular, it was racy that this letter was signed by Dr. Kathrin G., founding member of the personnel committee and law student. In this case it was suspected, that the student was offended about the fact, that she was not mentioned as founding member. On the new website this error is eliminated.
(Photos: qujOchÖ)
(Camera/Editing: qujOchÖ)
(Camera/Editing: qujOchÖ)
(Camera/Editing: qujOchÖ)
(Camera/Editing: qujOchÖ)