Ghet­torap by Hexa­m­orph (AUT) /// 
Chill­well (AUT) /// 
Durmek (AUT) /// 
q_Pod DJ-Line/T­G­FI (AUT) /// 
Elvis Kupfer (AUT) ///

Sat, May 12 2007, from 15:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

With the 3rd edi­tion of the Aus­tri­an com­ic anthol­o­gy UNKRAUT it’s get­ting ram­pant in the inner yard of the quitch and every­one can con­vince one­self that comics nei­ther have to be com­merce, kids’ stuff or rag nor under­lays for cat toi­lets. Nico­las Mahler from Vien­na, known for his “Flaschko”-films and inter­na­tion­al­ly cre­at­ing sen­sa­tions with his works like “Kun­st­the­o­rie vs. Frau Gold­gru­ber”, is fea­tured in the anthol­o­gy just like the graf­fi­ti artist Skero from the bustling hip hop band Tex­ta and numer­ous promis­ing newcomers.

The UNKRAUT mag­a­zine was found­ed in Linz in 1997 and has always been ded­i­cat­ed to the idea of DIY: Not only to pro­vide a plat­form for ambi­tious com­ic artists but also to give a fresh impe­tus to the Aus­tri­an com­ic scene. Because the illus­tra­tors are main­ly from Linz and Vien­na and the com­ic is pro­duced inter-munic­i­pal before the pre­sen­ta­tion takes place in Vien­na there will be the pre­sen­ta­tion of UNKRAUT 3 on May 12th 2007 at the quitch includ­ing the prop­er ten years cel­e­bra­tion par­ty of UNKRAUT.


[nggallery id=108] (Pho­tos: Mar­tin Bruner)