SonicWords — A collection for female super heroes

Judith Maule (AUT) ///

Pre­sen­ta­tion: Mon, Octo­ber 15 2007, 19:00 /// 
Exhi­bi­tion: Fri, Octo­ber 16 — Fri, Octo­ber 30 2007 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Here they are back again, those heroes who fas­ci­nat­ed me ever since i was a kid. They can fly, throw cars kilo­me­tres away, turn them­selves into crea­tures of flames or ice or become invis­i­ble … super heroes inhab­it our world again and there­by our minds!” (Judith Maule, SonicWords)

On Octo­ber 15 2007 the artist and fash­ion design­er Judith Maule presents her diplo­ma col­lec­tion “Son­ic­Words”. The col­lec­tion con­sists of eight female super hero suits based on clas­si­cal cos­tumes from the 1940s to the 1960s. For the fash­ion mak­er the every­day wear­a­bil­i­ty of the designed pieces is impor­tant in par­tic­u­lar – with­out aban­don­ing the for­mal stan­dards of female super hero cos­tumes. Ono­matopoe­ic words like “Ka-chuck”, “Boom” or “Aieee”, so called Son­ic­Words, extend the indi­vid­ual mod­els in form of embroi­deries – they func­tion as eponyms of the col­lec­tion and the eight dif­fer­ent designs.

In addi­tion to the col­lec­tion a com­ic has been cre­at­ed in which the pho­tographed mod­els and draw­ings have been imple­ment­ed in the form of col­lages. The com­ic is shown on a home­page with text mate­ri­als and detail views of the cos­tumes. The diplo­ma pre­sen­ta­tion of the col­lec­tion takes place on Octo­ber 15th 2007 at the quitch. On the one hand the indi­vid­ual mod­els will be shown, on the oth­er hand a medi­al pre­sen­ta­tion of the home­page and the cloth­ing takes place. The evening will be accom­pa­nied musi­cal­ly by DJ Revolver Dog.

In the dis­play win­dow of the quitch pic­tures of the col­lec­tion and indi­vid­ual pieces will be shown for the fol­low­ing two weeks.

[image­brows­er id=105] (Pho­tos: Andreas Kurz/Hannah Maule)