q_musik 05

Ohne (SUI/USA/GER) /// 
rm74 (USA) /// 
Tochnit Aleph Empire (GER) ///

Sun, June 2 2002, 20:00 /// 
KAPU, Kapuzin­er­straße 36, Linz ///

The voic­es of Smith, Phillips and Löwen­brück are the main sources of the tonal hap­pen­ing at con­certs of OHNE, which are visu­al­ly arrange in an activist flow. Dur­ing 40 till 60 min­utes dif­fer­ent scenes/pieces are being played which fol­low a strict script but which are also open for impro­vis­ing. Elec­tron­ic manip­u­la­tions and effects and pre­pared records are also part of the con­cert, which is com­plete with Mäder at the audio-mixer.

rm74 inves­ti­gates micro­scop­ic elec­tro-acoustics. He is carv­ing up audio par­ti­cles in its nanoscop­ic com­po­nents, manip­u­lat­ing to form them into com­plex frac­tile pat­terns and puls­ing sub-fre­quences. The basic mate­r­i­al or his electronic/ elec­tro-acoustic com­po­si­tions are sounds gen­er­at­ed by elec­tric­i­ty, e.g. of lamps or refrig­er­a­tors, or dig­i­tal and ana­logue sources of errors. Sig­nif­i­cant for his dig­i­tal cre­ations are the pix­el- and micro sounds. A new album has been pub­lished at the label Dom­izil in Zurich. The con­certs of Reto Mäders are dif­fer­ent ver­sions and raw-mate­ri­als of recent pieces which are get­ting edit­ed live on stage and accom­pa­nied by pro­ject­ed pic­tures refer­ring to the sound. Mäder as well pur­sues the Hin­terz­im­mer-label, which pub­lished rm74, Strot­ter Inst. and Hund.

Daniel Löwen­brück as Tochnit Aleph Empire is rep­re­sent­ing the skills and ten­den­cies of his label Tochnit Aleph. He is re-estab­lish­ing with his sets the ele­ment dan­ger into music and reminds the audi­ence on the unspoiled poten­tial of puberty.
