q_musik 07

Julien Ottavi (FRA) ///

Sat, Decem­ber 14 2002, 10:00 /// 
Cin­e­mato­graph, Obere Donaulände 51, Linz ///

in coop­er­a­tion with popfakes

Since 1997 Ottavi has devel­oped com­po­si­tions of the human voice processed and trans­formed on com­put­ers. Ottavi’s research has been based on the sound poet­ry of artists such as Hen­ri Chopin, Bernard Hei­d­se­ick, Kurt Schwit­ters, Jaap Blonk etc.

Ottavi also cites as influ­ences the con­tem­po­rary com­posers Karl­heinz Stock­hausen, John Cage, Mor­ton Feld­mann and Giac­in­to Scel­si, com­posers from the tra­di­tion of musique con­crete; Pierre Hen­ry, Michel Chion, Luc Fer­rari and also musicians/composers of noise-music such as Merzbow, Zbig­niew Karkows­ki, Bern­hard Gün­ter and Fran­cis­co Lopez.

Ottavi’s research con­sists of two parts: the stu­dio pro­duc­tion of vocal pieces based on Michel Chion’s idea of the “art of fixed” sound in which the voice is con­sid­ered as a musi­cal object that can be dema­te­ri­al­ized and thus removed from its nor­mal role of com­mu­ni­cat­ing mean­ing. The sec­ond aspect of Ottavi’s research revolves around the live con­cert. With what Ottavi calls the “voice com­put­er” works with a more spon­ta­neous and impro­vised qual­i­ty are cre­at­ed by uti­liz­ing real time processing.


[nggallery id=60] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)