Food for Animals

Food for Ani­mals (USA) /// 

Mon, June 12 2006, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

If the screams I let out at the Fox News Chan­nel were run through Autechre’s stu­dio appa­ra­tus, I might get a sound that comes close to the messy inten­si­ty of Scav­engers, an impres­sive first out­ing by D.C. hip-hop duo Food For Ani­mals. From the bel­ly of the nation’s polit­i­cal beast, pro­duc­er Ricky Rab­bit chops up abra­sive beats over and over for emcee Vul­ture Voltaire to lay down his agi­tat­ed flow, which is no doubt influ­enced by the district’s leg­endary hard­core scene.” (Ron Albanese)

Crack­ing and intri­cat­ed pop noise, mad abstract bass­es and juicy polit­i­cal texts. Food for Ani­mals has the poten­tial to become the next real­ly big indie hip hop sen­sa­tion and maybe bring the first big noise hop album to the peo­ple. Respect! From qujOchÖ, in da quitch, at the arse-end of the world. Keep­ing it real, Suc­ka. CU.



(Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)