
q_DJ_Line (AUT) /// 
Yksi Kak­si Huomisek­si (AUT/FIN) /// 
Melt­ed Men (USA) /// 
Duran­Duran­Duran­Duran (AUT) ///

Fri, June 23 2006, 18:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

A joint event in cel­e­bra­tion of 5 years qujOchÖ, 5 years LIquA, the debut par­ty of KUPF and 2 years quitch.

Melt­ed Men! The mad per­for­mance group from the USA, the Nether­lands and France casts its ten­ta­cle arms again. Melt­ed Men tru­ly are the gods among the per­for­mance groups world­wide. Whilst they spin around on stilts in rab­bit cos­tumes and with 40 cig­a­rettes in their mouth, teach the audi­ence arbi­trary hop­scotch rit­u­als with bam­boo sticks and eat the hands, ears and noses of fun­ny look­ing voodoo pup­pets made out of car­rots, they tell sto­ries about Fran­cois Mit­terand who sits in a Ger­man pineap­ple and earned a plumber diplo­ma for some rea­son to build a pipeline between Bre­men and Flori­da. All of the above, com­bined with musi­cal ingre­di­ents like min­i­mal drums, crazy squeak-elec­tron­ic, groan­ing, moan­ing and quack­ing, car horns or jin­gles leaves the audi­ence every sin­gle con­cert pend­ing between men­tal break­downs and enthu­si­as­tic orgasms.

Once in an inter­view Melt­ed Men gave the fol­low­ing answer on the ques­tion how their music is cre­at­ed: “Take a polaroid of Melt­ed Men and slice it quick­ly to expose the chem­i­cals. Than cov­er the streets with cloths and put the chem­i­cals on the hoofs of a goat. Let this goat run wher­ev­er it wants and burn the cloths after­wards. Take the ash and put it back into the polaroid. At least you take a pic­ture of any­thing. That’s how things develop.”

Sup­port­ing act: the first short appear­ance of the own qujOchÖ group yksi kak­si huomisek­si, an Aus­tri­an-Finnish rock aid project under the slo­gan “Helft’s ma, i hüf eich a” (Help me, I help you too).

And after­wards there will take place the real­ly last appear­ance of the for­mi­da­ble Duran­Duran­Duran­Duran, a roller coast­er ride through the whole mad­ness of the 1980s. No hit of child­hood is to ridicu­lous for them, no break is to com­pli­cat­ed. In a report the sex­i­est boy group ever said: “The 80s have been rot­ten and dis­gust­ing. For­tu­nate­ly, we are here now.”

(Pho­tos: Karin Fisslthaler)

(Video: qujOchÖ)