Backyard Ghetto Party

Xyra­mat (GER) /// 
Minit (AUS) /// 
Mr. Hub­ba & El Mono Inven­tor (ESP) ///

Thu, Novem­ber 23 2006, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Burn­ing Bar­rels. Warm­ing glogg. Tin­ker­ing sounds. The artist troop of qujOchÖ presents in the con­text of the ### series a back­yard ghet­to par­ty on Novem­ber 23rd. Three inter­na­tion­al live acts will per­form live in the inner yard of the quitch. Xyra­mat from Ger­many, Minit from Aus­tralia and Mr. Hub­ba & El Mono Inven­tor from Spain will fire up the audience.

Xyra­mat, a one-woman-show, loves and lives music for a very long time. She start­ed play­ing in bands ded­i­cat­ed to New Wave and Exper­i­men­tal Music, for instance Devant­garde, a rather unknown Indus­tri­al Band. At the begin­ning of the 1990s she switched to exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ic music and start­ed to exper­i­ment with the con­struc­tion of sounds, which show her own elec­tron­i­cal hand writ­ing. It’s rather dif­fi­cult to describe: angled, square-edged, true (to hear on the vinyl “Kon­struk­tio­nen” and the CDs “Sie”, “Yacikaa”, “Elec­tron­i­cal­ly” and “Elec­tron­i­ca 2004”).

MINIT is Jas­mine Guf­fond and Tor­ben Tilly, both cur­rent­ly based in Berlin. Using dig­i­tal, sam­pling and mix­ing tech­nolo­gies Guf­fond and Tilly manip­u­late record­ed and ‘found’ sound to cre­ate a kind of spec­tral drone music that sits mag­i­cal­ly in between the abstract and the con­crete. Draw­ing upon influ­ences from exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ic, rock and avant-garde music, MINIT cre­ate a sound that holds great emo­tive pow­er and musi­cal­i­ty while still main­tain­ing a sen­si­tive ‘micro­scop­ic’ explo­ration of elec­tro-acoustic phe­nom­e­na. From frag­ile har­mon­ic and melod­ic into­na­tions to tow­er­ing, ecsta­t­ic drones and elec­tri­cal dis­tur­bances, MINIT are draw­ing you into a hyp­not­ic, psy­che­del­ic sound-world.”

Mr. Hub­ba & El Mono Inven­tor are a Barcelona-based duo, who com­bine casio-pop, exper­i­men­tal, and elec­tron­ic lo-fi music. Since their for­ma­tion on Sep­tem­ber 2004, they have already played at the North­ern Cal­i­for­nia Noise­fest, toured Europe (play­ing at the Tate Britain in Lon­don, as well as in Dublin and Berlin). They have also toured Japan with Yoshio Machi­da and played in Span­ish fes­ti­vals like Sonar 2005, Lem and Per­ife­rias. In their hyp­not­ic live sets they use a gui­tar, casiotones, a syn­the­siz­er and ana­log drum machines, as well as xylo­phones, harmonium, …”


[nggallery id=91] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)