Musica da Cucina

Musi­ca da Cuci­na (IT) /// 

Sat, Sep­tem­ber 22 2007, 11:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

in coop­er­a­tion with POPFAKES

… sounds from the kitchen, inti­ma­cy and atmos­pheres of tin­kling glass­es and the whis­tle of the ket­tle in a per­for­mance that grows lit­tle by lit­tle, like a dish in the oven, reveal­ing the bewitch­ment of dai­ly gestures.

The project Musi­ca da Cuci­na (kitchen music) was cre­at­ed in 2005 by Fabio Bonel­li, artist from Mor­beg­no (Ital­ian alps) who has dif­fer­ent musi­cal projects with the name Peo­ple From the Moun­tains (milaus, sit in music, destroy beethoven).

The aim is to catch the sounds of the kitchen in order to cre­ate a sound tex­ture on which try to broi­der melodies with gui­tar, clar­inet and accor­dion. The final effect is quite a preg­nant music, an ethe­re­al and hyp­not­ic sound mass with famil­iar and evoca­tive sounds like water flow­ing, kettle’s whis­tle, nois­es of cut­lery on saucepan, tin­kling of glass­es. This project is also a reser­ach of new sounds and new ways of using non con­ven­tion­al instru­ment (like kitchen tools), with an impor­tant melod­ic com­po­nent in order to make them project itself real­ly comunicative.

Musi­ca da Cuci­na has made many con­cert in North of Italy and in Ger­many, play­ing in dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions: art exhi­bi­tions and art gal­leries, busker fes­ti­vals, enogas­tro­nom­ic fes­ti­vals or also lit­tle home con­cert (by friend’s kitchen) or in clubs and venues. In autumn 2005 he opened also the gig of swedish band Aman­dine, Fat Cat records.

The music of Musi­ca da Cuci­na has also been used for some ital­ian video and doc­u­men­tary, for exam­ple “La Sig­no­ra dei fogli­et­ti” di Mar­co Zama­ra­to and Ele­na Milani, which has been pre­sent­ed at ION (Venezia) dur­ing the “Fes­ti­val del Cin­e­ma di Venezia” 2006.

POPFAKES FESTIVAL Sep­tem­ber 21 — 22 2007

[nggallery id=103] (Pho­tos: Ger­ald Henzinger)