
Richard Eign­er & Roman Gerold (AUT) /// 
Ger­hard Dau­r­er (AUT) /// 
CD pre­sen­ta­tion “Gold­en Solitude” ///

Fri, March 13 2009, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

The sec­ond evening of the ### series in 2009 is host­ed by the duo Ritor­nell. Richard Eign­er (Linz) and Roman Gerold (Salzburg) will present their new album “Gold­en Soli­tude” and their mate­r­i­al as an elec­tro acoustic trio togeth­er with Ger­hard Dau­r­er (Salzburg).




[nggallery id=145] (Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)