No Past — No Future

Gold­en Diskó Ship (GER) /// 
Jas­mi­na Maschi­na (AUS) ///

Thu, April 2 2009, 20:00 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

JASMINA MASCHINA is Jas­mine Guf­fond, one half of the Aus­tralian exper­i­men­tal elec­tron­ic duo Minit (Staubgold/Sigma Edi­tions). She per­forms live togeth­er with the mul­ti­in­stru­men­tal musi­cian There­sa Stroet­ges (solo per­form­ing as Gold­en Diskó Ship) and describes her sound like that: “Frag­ile lay­ers of sound swirling mag­nif­i­cent­ly around your ears, each song based on the per­son­al style of gen­tle gui­tar pick­ing, yet at any moment capa­ble of inter­rupt­ing into intox­i­cat­ing noise, seduc­ing you into a won­der­ful atmosphere.”

GOLDEN DISKO SHIP is an one girl group, a mix­ture of orig­i­nal gui­tar sound, found footage, toy instru­ments, elec­tron­ic beats & sounds and over­layed voic­es with self-cre­at­ed visu­als: “[…] dreamy, exper­i­men­tal folk elec­tron­i­ca, sounds like walk­ing on the beach with the sun in your eyes.”





(Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)