Do Androids Dream of Electronic Noise?


Fr, 10. Novem­ber 2023, 20:30 ///
Wirts­haus zur Schieß­hal­le, Wal­degg­stra­ße 116, Linz ///

Lärm auf höchs­tem Niveau. Im Wirts­haus zur Schieß­hal­le gas­tie­ren am 10. Novem­ber drei Künstler*innen, die stän­dig auf der Suche nach neu­en musi­ka­li­schen Ver­bin­dun­gen zwi­schen expe­ri­men­tel­ler Elek­tro­nik, Indus­tri­al, Metal und Noi­se sind. qujOchÖ freut sich, dass Yuko Ara­ki auf ihrer aus­ge­dehn­ten Euro­pa-Tour­nee einen Stopp in Linz ein­legt. Unter­stüt­zung erhält sie an die­sem Abend mit einem Live-Set von Ste­fan Tie­fen­gra­ber und einem DJ-Set von Moritz Morast, die bei­de seit vie­len Jah­ren über vie­le Ecken und Kan­ten mit der Lin­zer Musik­sze­ne ver­bun­den sind (u. a. Tre­sor Linz, Mit Hän­den und Füßen, …).

Tickets Vor­ver­kauf: 10 Euro (–> Vor­ver­kauf über
Tickets Abend­kas­se: 13 Euro

YUKO ARAKI is one of a num­ber of young fema­le artists emer­ging from Japan that are rede­fi­ning the outer bounda­ries of noi­se, post-indus­tri­al tech­no and expe­ri­men­tal elec­tro­nics. Rai­sed as a pia­nist, Araki’s teena­ge obses­si­on with metal ope­ned a gate­way towards various types of inten­se sonics. Explo­ring a diver­se ran­ge music pro­jects over the past deca­de (KUUNATIC, Con­cier­to de la Fami­lia), her solo work resol­ved in 2019 after she deve­lo­ped an approach to ana­log free­form ana­log noi­se, releasing her first EP „I“ (Ger­pfast Collec­ti­ve) and her debut album „II“ (Com­man­do Vanes­sa). Working with a reduc­ti­ve set of tools, her metho­do­lo­gy was to crea­te work that crea­ted a sen­se of tim­bral inten­si­ty and com­ple­xi­ty through a wea­ving tog­e­ther of com­pe­ting elements.

The­se days her new album „IV“ is released on Room40, on which Ara­ki crea­tes a whol­ly more blud­geo­ning sound world. Working at the nexus of ritu­al, noi­se, sub sonics and crus­hing rhyth­ms, her latest record­ing is reso­lute­ly embo­di­ed, smo­the­ring the lis­tener in undu­la­ting pres­su­re waves. She also sum­mons an altog­e­ther other­world­ly approach to voice, which ope­ra­tes as fugi­ti­ve spi­rits wit­hin their caustic, post-indus­tri­al sound spaces she com­po­ses. This inte­rest in voice is accen­tua­ted with spe­cial con­tri­bu­ti­ons from guests inclu­ding Endon’s Tai­chi Nagura.

STEFAN TIEFENGRABER’S work ran­ges from kine­tic sound instal­la­ti­ons to audio-video noi­se per­for­man­ces. He expe­ri­ments with the modi­fi­ca­ti­on of devices, which are ori­gi­nal­ly manu­fac­tu­red for dif­fe­rent pur­po­ses. Com­bi­ned with the per­cep­ti­on of the audi­ence, this expe­ri­men­tal attempt of explo­ring old and new mate­ri­als leads him to new and unpre­dic­ta­ble results. For examp­le, in the noi­se per­for­mance DOWM he uses three walk­mans, three effect pedals, two mixers, a mini-syn­the­si­zer, micro­pho­nes and several feed­back loo­ps to crea­te a noi­se-scape that ends in silence and emp­ti­ness. In this pro­ject, Tie­fen­gra­ber refers to his artis­tic method of working, which he imple­ments not only in per­for­man­ces but also in his instal­la­ti­on pro­jects. He extends the pre­de­fi­ned func­tions of the used devices by expe­ri­men­ting with them and using uncon­ven­tio­nal app­li­ca­ti­ons. With this way he achie­ves new and unpre­dic­ta­ble results.

Tiefengraber’s work has been exhi­bi­ted at Japan Media Arts Fes­ti­val 2021 (Tokyo/Japan), Gale­rie ger­ken (Berlin/Germany), Ars Elec­tro­ni­ca Fes­ti­val (Linz/Austria), TodaysArt 2014 (Den Haag/Netherlands), New Media Gal­le­ry (Vancouver/Canada), 16th Media Art Bien­na­le WRO 2015 (Wroclaw/Poland), Blau­es Rau­schen (Bochum/Germany) and many more.

MORITZ MORAST is a musi­ci­an and artist cur­r­ent­ly resi­ding in Vien­na, Aus­tria. In his works he explo­res musi­cal sys­tems through impro­vi­sa­tio­nal immedi­a­cy and play­ful spon­ta­n­ei­ty, unra­ve­ling their idio­syn­cra­sies and self-orga­ni­zing pro­per­ties, orga­ni­zing raw sounds into a flu­id form of moti­on. He works solo, as well as in dif­fe­rent for­ma­ti­ons, ran­ging from free impro­vi­sa­ti­on, extre­me metal, and avant-rock, to expe­ri­men­tal electronics.

Morast also com­po­ses for dance, thea­ter, films and vir­tu­al rea­li­ty. His musi­cal work has been show­ca­sed on Fes­ti­vals like Ars Elec­tro­ni­ca (Aus­tria), Donau­fes­ti­val Krems (Aus­tria), Ars Musi­ca (Bel­gi­um) and Meme Fes­ti­val (Spain).