Backyard Ghetto Fest

Xyra­mat (DE) /// 
Minit (AU) /// 
Mr. Hub­ba & El Mono Inven­tor (ES) ///

Do, 23. Novem­ber 2006, 20:00 Uhr /// 
quitch, Unte­re Donau­län­de 10, Linz ///

Bren­nen­de Ton­nen. Wär­men­der Glüh­wein. Fri­ckeln­de Töne. Die Kunst­trup­pe von qujOchÖ prä­sen­tiert im Rah­men der Rei­he ### am 23. Novem­ber ein Backy­ard-Ghet­to-Fest. Drei inter­na­tio­na­le Live-Acts sind dabei im Innen­hof des quitch zu sehen. Xyra­mat aus Deutsch­land, Minit aus Aus­tra­li­en und Mr. Hub­ba & El Mono Inven­tor aus Spa­ni­en wer­den dem Audi­to­ri­um einheizen.

Xyra­mat, a one-woman-show, loves and lives music for a very long time. She star­ted play­ing in bands dedi­ca­ted to New Wave and Expe­ri­men­tal Music, for instance Devant­gar­de, a rather unknown Indus­tri­al Band. At the begin­ning of the 1990s she swit­ched to expe­ri­men­tal elec­tro­nic music and star­ted to expe­ri­ment with the con­struc­tion of sounds, which show her own elec­tro­ni­cal hand wri­ting. It’s rather dif­fi­cult to descri­be: angled, squa­re-edged, true (to hear on the vinyl „Kon­struk­tio­nen“ and the CDs „Sie“, „Yaci­kaa“, „Elec­tro­ni­cal­ly“ and „Elec­tro­ni­ca 2004“).

MINIT is Jas­mi­ne Guf­fond and Tor­ben Til­ly, both cur­r­ent­ly based in Ber­lin. Using digi­tal, sam­pling and mixing tech­no­lo­gies Guf­fond and Til­ly mani­pu­la­te recor­ded and ‚found‘ sound to crea­te a kind of spec­tral dro­ne music that sits magi­cal­ly in bet­ween the abs­tract and the con­cre­te. Drawing upon influ­en­ces from expe­ri­men­tal elec­tro­nic, rock and avant-gar­de music, MINIT crea­te a sound that holds gre­at emo­ti­ve power and musi­ca­li­ty while still main­tai­ning a sen­si­ti­ve ‚micro­scopic‘ explo­ra­ti­on of elec­tro-acoustic phe­no­me­na. From fra­gi­le har­mo­nic and melo­dic into­na­ti­ons to towe­ring, ecsta­tic dro­nes and electri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces, MINIT are drawing you into a hyp­no­tic, psy­che­de­lic sound-world.“

Mr. Hub­ba & El Mono Inven­tor are a Bar­ce­lo­na-based duo, who com­bi­ne casio-pop, expe­ri­men­tal, and elec­tro­nic lo-fi music. Sin­ce their for­ma­ti­on on Sep­tem­ber 2004, they have alrea­dy play­ed at the Nort­hern Cali­for­nia Noi­se­fest, tou­red Euro­pe (play­ing at the Tate Bri­tain in Lon­don, as well as in Dub­lin and Ber­lin). They have also tou­red Japan with Yoshio Machi­da and play­ed in Spa­nish fes­ti­vals like Sonar 2005, Lem and Perife­r­i­as. In their hyp­no­tic live sets they use a gui­tar, casio­to­nes, a syn­the­si­zer and ana­log drum machi­nes, as well as xylo­pho­nes, harmonium, …“


(Fotos: qujOchÖ)