AVVA: Toshi­ma­ru Naka­mu­ra & Bil­ly Roisz (JP/AT) ///

Di, 28. Juni 2005, 20:00 Uhr /// 
quitch, Unte­re Donau­län­de 10, Linz ///

Naka­mu­ra and Roisz’s first joint appearan­ce took place 2001, as part of the pro­ject „My King­dom for a Lul­la­by“ (with Mar­tin Sie­wert, Michae­la Grill and Chris­tof Kurz­mann). Their duo pro­ject AVVA has ari­sen from their col­la­bo­ra­ti­on during the „Feed­back: Order from Noi­se“ UK Tour (sum­mer 2004).

Toshi­ma­ru Naka­mu­ra has been pro­du­cing elec­tro­nic music on self-named „no-input mixing board“ after long unhap­py years with the electric gui­tar. The name descri­bes the method of his music. „No“ exter­nal sound source is con­nec­ted to „inputs“ of the „mixing board“. Most­ly an impro­vi­ser, occa­sio­nal­ly a com­po­ser for dan­cers, an instru­men­ta­list for compositions.

Bil­ly Roisz spe­cia­li­zes in feed­back video and video-sound inter­ac­tion. Using moni­tors, came­ras, video mixers and a self­built video­syn­th for live video genera­ting – com­pu­ter and turn­ta­ble to make music.


(Fotos: qujOchÖ)