Après Schießhalle
DJ TUDD (AT) ///
Sa, 16. Dezember 2023, 18:00 ///
Wirtshaus zur Schießhalle, Waldeggstraße 116, Linz ///Der Untergaumberg ruft zu einer weihnachtlichen Zusammenkunft der anderen Art. Der Kulturverein Schießhalle, qujOchÖ, Art Discount 24 und Potato Publishing laden zu einer Après-Schieß-Party der X‑Klasse. Gulaschkanonen treffen auf Germknödel und Wodkabrunnen, das ArtChalet lädt zum mondänen Abhängen ein, mit der Shischua-Bar wird ein neuer Wasserpfeifen-Hype in die Welt gesetzt, kleine Skilifte führen zu Bierathlon und Schnapslalom, in der Gartenhüttengaudi wird Punsch genagelt, mit Eisstöcken im Gepäck werden Karaokelieder geträllert, die Speed-Herren moderieren durch den Abend und noch viel mehr. Kombiniert mit einem blitzsauberen Musikprogramm mit Nordra (US), Gunship Collider (AT), Lernplanet (AT) und DJ Ana Power (AT).
Tickets: Vorverkauf 8 Euro (via KUPFticket.com), Abendkasse 10 Euro
Free Special Drink für Après-Ski-Outfits! —NORDRA’s masterful ability to deconstruct musical structure in a language of industrial music and noise, alongside the alchemy of her live performance has led to her sharing the stage with artists of a psychotropic nature like beak>, Demdike Stare, SUMAC, Anthony Braxton, Yves Tumor, and OXBOW. The mostly devastating and always transcendental works of musician and sound artist Monika Khot have within them an almost orchestral dimension, with the appearance of each element having its place and purpose. The results give rise to an emotional and adventurous quality wielding her apparent dub, techno, and musique-concrète influences. Born in 1992 in Virginia US to immigrants of the Karnataka region of India, Khot’s mêlé of sonic exploration began with classical guitar study, computer music, and death metal. Deciding to relocate to Seattle WA US in 2014 she began avant-psych duo Zen Mother, which gave rise to harnessing her songwriting capabilities. In 2016, she began making music as Nordra, releasing all of her works to date on Aaron Turner and Faith Coloccia’s label SIGE. Nordra has performed her works at Donaufestival, Skaņu Mežs (Sound Forest) Festival, Timezones Festival, Pioneer Works, and more. Khot has been recruited to play live with other artists including Daughters, Zola Jesus, Marissa Nadler, and Cassandra Jenkins.http://www.nordra.nethttps://nordra.bandcamp.comhttps://soundcloud.com/nordra —GUNSHIP COLLIDER is the solo project of Dominik Morishita-Leitner, formerly known as a member of the band „Postman“. It’s all about post-punk, wave, elektro, pop, made with open source software, break beats, keyboards, and lyrics based on necessity. https://dominikmorishitaleitner.tumblr.comhttps://www.instagram.com/postmoderntalking — Millennials & Gen Z can only read in lists, so we’re gonna do „5 reasons why you will love LERNPLANET“: 1. Best bandname ever 2. Sounds a bit like old Beak>, Battles and this kind of weird shit 3. FUN lyrics (the good funny, not the cringe) 4. You’re gonna be the first to see them (cool to mention it to others who see them after you) 5. You can do cool things with their name, like Germplanet, Herrenplanet, Sternplanet or Fernplanet [Fractalnights Vienna]LERNPLANET is a band from Linz with drums, bass, synths, two voices, strange lyrics, kinda (very) mesmerising and live love life around Georg, Paul, Jeff, Bill and Elon.https://lernplanet.bandcamp.comhttps://soundcloud.com/flubber-3d‑2https://www.instagram.com/lernplanet666