q_musik 06

Her­mit (CA) /// 
No Exit (IT/CH) ///

Mi, 2. Okto­ber 2002, 20:00 Uhr /// 
KAPU, Kapu­zi­ner­stra­ße 36, Linz ///

in Koope­ra­ti­on mit popfakes

Nomad Eric Boros has been record­ing and play­ing live sin­ce 1994 using hand­ma­de, sto­len, found, bas­tar­di­sed, mini­ma­list, junk equip­ment. His „brut“ artis­tic works express a nihi­listic and gene­ral­ly grim cri­tique of com­mer­cial music, main­stream cul­tu­re, and humankind’s deve­sta­ti­on of the earth: „In my opi­ni­on the most important objects to make noise/sound with is your body and your brain. The main goal is to con­ti­nue the crea­te and dis­tri­bu­te infor­ma­ti­on, music, art etc., out­side of the cor­po­ra­te struc­tu­re – so inde­ed, free music for free people.“

An Ita­li­an living in Gene­va, Joseph Fru­sci­an­te plays tenor and sopra­no saxo­pho­ne, and his self-made „strin­ged bam­boo instru­ment“. He comes from a jazz back­ground, and has been com­po­sing and impro­vi­sing under the name of NO EXIT sin­ce 1999. He also play­ed in the group DMS3, record­ing and per­forming with mental­ly-han­di­cap­ped peop­le: „I am sear­ching for a lan­guage that could trans­la­te the emo­ti­ons, the fee­lings that haunt me. I would like to era­se the fil­ters of ratio­na­li­ty, and to be con­nec­ted direct­ly to what I feel. This voya­ge leads me to drift in torn lyrism, made of reso­nan­ces and obses­si­ons, laby­rinths, and trances.“


(Fotos: qujOchÖ)