Drop of temperature

kid606 (USA) /// 
Dwayne Sodah­berk (SWE) /// 
DJ/rupture (USA) ///

Tue, Sep­tem­ber 30 2003, 20:00 /// 
Port area Linz ///

Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.” (Robert Frost, Amer­i­can poet, 1874 – 1963)

On Sep­tem­ber 30th 2003 in the port area of Linz, are crash­ing the float­ing sound par­ti­cles of the Tiger­beat6-tour with their pro­tag­o­nists kid606 (USA), Dwayne Sodah­berk (SWE) and DJ/rupture (USA) against a shiv­er­ing, freez­ing and trem­bling audi­to­ri­um in con­text of the „q_musik“-series.

Three refrig­er­at­ed trucks are turned into pub­lic space and there­fore the inte­ri­or of these trucks is cooled down to frosty tem­per­a­tures like minus 10 degrees. In a long-term dai­ly aver­age of around 15 degrees in Upper Aus­tria this time of year (Source: Cen­tral Insti­tute for Mete­o­rol­o­gy and Geo-dynam­ics), this rep­re­sents a drop in tem­per­a­ture of minus 25 degrees in a few moments. The admis­sion is only per­mit­ted with win­ter clothes. To avoid pos­si­ble frost­bite and colds, hot mulled wine and baked pea soup are served.

To say qujOchÖ-exper­i­ments are just sadis­tic machines is too easy. Rather let’s say: fol­low­ing the plea­sure of action and reac­tion, the cold­ness of the con­text is opposed by sub­stan­tial heat in the form of visu­al pro­jec­tions (dessert, sun, fire, sea) and the colon-mas­sag­ing beats and clicks of the Tigerbeat6 posse. So, in the same time, when the audi­to­ri­um is freez­ing its balls off, it will break out in a sweat by pow­er­ful and oppres­sive sound collages.

Win­ter clothes are essen­tial! No kidding!


(Pho­tos: qujOchÖ)