Paul is dead: What you ever never wanted to know about conspiracy theories

qujOchÖ feat. Domini­ka Meindl (AUT), Karin Fer­rari (AUT/ITA), Georgie Gold (AUT), Claus Ober­hauser (AUT), Johannes Gren­z­furth­n­er (AUT/USA) and Don­ald Trump (USA) ///

Sat, Novem­ber 25 2017, 8 pm, Open­ing with Domini­ka Meindl, Karin Fer­rari & Georgie Gold ///
Sun, Novem­ber 26 2017, start­ing at 4 pm, Screen­ing marathon with Don­ald Trump ///
Mon, Novem­ber 27 2017, start­ing at 7 pm, Lec­ture and soirée with Claus Ober­hauser & Johannes Grenzfurthner ///
Opened non-stop for 66 hours ///

Loca­tion: For­mer apart­ment of Mr. Paul Mayrhofer, Boschweg 2a ///
By bus: line 25 direc­tion Oed or line 27 direc­tion Chemiepark, leave the bus at “Don Bosco” (Franck­vier­tel) and walk 3 min­utes towards the voestalpine (watch the signs) ///

qujOchÖ invites you to a mys­te­ri­ous gath­er­ing around 66 con­spir­a­cies. In a vacant apart­ment of a recent­ly deceased propul­sion engi­neer near voestalpine the man’s lega­cy has been inspect­ed, sort­ed and prepared.

On Sat­ur­day Novem­ber 25 the apart­ment will be opened for exact­ly 66 hours for eager spec­ta­tors. In the rooms one can find numer­ous hints to past and actu­al con­spir­a­cies. Is the earth flat? Who real­ly mur­dered Mar­i­lyn Mon­roe? Was the moon land­ing just a big hoax? Is the Repub­lic of Aus­tria, in real­i­ty, just an enter­prise? How harm­ful are chem­trails? Is Mölle­mann still alive? Why are there hid­den mes­sages on cig­a­rette packages?

On the open­ing evening pres­i­dent Domini­ka Meindl will con­vey an exces­sive wel­com­ing mes­sage to the gath­ered peo­ple. The Aus­tri­an artist Karin Fer­rari will uncov­er hid­den mes­sages in news pro­grams dur­ing a live con­fer­ence with the news stu­dio in Paris and Georgie Gold as “The Gold­en Ass­hole” plays a sen­ti­men­tal DJ-trib­ute-set to Sir Paul McCart­ney, who died in 1966.

Fol­low­ing on Sun­day after­noon a screen­ing marathon on films and doc­u­men­ta­tions about con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries will start. With pre-Christ­mas Coca Cola, Jesus Toasts and dis­in­formed beer, served by the pres­i­dents of hearts, Don­ald Trump.

On Mon­day evening Mag. Mag. Dr. Claus Ober­hauser from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Inns­bruck will take a clos­er look at dif­fer­ent con­spir­a­cies from an aca­d­e­m­ic per­spec­tive. The evening will be com­plet­ed with a con­spir­acist soirée by Johannes Gren­z­furth­n­er from the clan­des­tine Vien­nese group mono­chrom. The apart­ment will be closed for­ev­er on Tues­day at 2 pm.
