Like Casio in the Sunshine

Kate NV (RUS) /// 
Mon­i­ca Vlad (ROM) ///

Wed, Sep­tem­ber 6 2017, 20:30 /// 
quitch, Untere Donaulände 10, Linz ///

Through infec­tious har­mo­ny and melody, Russ­ian artist Kate Shilonoso­va makes joy­ful and adven­tur­ous pop music. It is also patient, play­ful decep­tive­ly sim­ple but mas­ter­ful­ly con­struct­ed, at times charm­ing and bit­ter­sweet. Some points of influ­ence include a pink-to-blue gra­di­ent Japan­ese 80s mal­let-pop feel­ing and synth-wave tones, which Kate absorbs per­fect­ly into her own bold musi­cal iden­ti­ty. (Orange Milk Records 2016)

Mon­i­ca Vlad designs and devel­ops new media instal­la­tions and spaces. She uses new tech­nol­o­gy as an artis­tic medi­um of expres­sion and as a medi­um for the inter­ac­tive and audio visu­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The sound of her per­for­mances is main­ly based on noise, ambi­ent, exper­i­men­tal music, rang­ing from low to very high fre­quences that one can bare­ly hear, from min­i­mal to glitch, from ana­log to digital.

(Pho­tos: Julia Vogt)

Live-Set Kate NV:


Live-Set Mon­i­ca Vlad:


Com­plete Record­ings at